
Thursday, July 30, 2015

71 Rocznica Powstania Warszawskiego

1go sierpnia 2015 roku czeka nas 71-wsza rocznica wybuchu Powstania Warszawskiego. Z tej okazji 1 sierpnia w stolicy odbędzie się wiele wydarzeń związanych z upamiętnieniem pamięci poległych w gruzach zniszczonej Warszawy. Pierwsze z nich rozpoczną się już o godzinie 9 rano. Jednak najważniejsza część obchodów 71szej rocznicy Powstania Warszawskiego tradycyjnie odbędzie się o godzinie 17:00 (czyli o godzinie W - to właśnie wtedy wybuchło powstanie). W planach obchodów znajdzie się również akcja muzyczna pt. Warszawiacy śpiewają (nie)zakazane piosenki. 

W godzinach 12:00 – 19:00 kursować będą zabytkowe tramwaje Linia "W" na trasie: Cm. Wolski - Wolska - al. "Solidarności" – Okopowa - Towarowa (Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego) - pl. Zawiszy - Grójecka - pl. Narutowicza.
Tyle Nadziei, Tyle Młodości
1 sierpnia, sobota
9:00 - Złożenie kwiatów pod tablicą upamiętniającą podpisanie przez płk. Antoniego Chruściela, „Montera”, dowódcę Okręgu Warszawskiego Armii Krajowej, rozkazu rozpoczęcia Powstania Warszawskiego, ul. Filtrowa 68, dawna siedziba konspiracyjnej kwatery Okręgu Warszawskiego AK
10:00 - Uroczystości przy Pomniku „Mokotów Walczący - 1944”, Park im. Generała Gustawa Orlicz-Dreszera, „Marsz Mokotowa” - przemarsz ul. Puławską do ul. Dworkowej
12:00 - Uroczysta zmiana posterunku honorowego przed Grobem Nieznanego Żołnierza, złożenie wieńców, pl. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego 
13:15-13:45 - Składanie kwiatów pod Pomnikiem gen. Stefana Roweckiego „Grota”, róg ul. F. Chopina i Al. Ujazdowskich 
14:00 - Uroczystości przy Pomniku Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego i Armii Krajowej, ul. Wiejska 
14:00-17:00 - „MOROWE PANNY” - spotkanie edukacyjne dla rodzin, Park Wolności Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego, wstęp wolny 
16:00-16:45 - składanie kwiatów przy grobie gen. Antoniego Chruściela „Montera”, Cmentarz Wojskowy na Powązkach 
17:00 - Godzina „W” - oddanie Hołdu Powstańcom, Pomnik Gloria Victis Cmentarz Wojskowy na Powązkach 
19:30 - Uroczystości przy Pomniku „Polegli-Niepokonani”; modlitwa ekumeniczna Bezpośrednio po zakończeniu Msza Święta pod Pomnikiem „Polegli-Niepokonani”, Cmentarz Powstańców Warszawy na Woli 
20:00 - „Warszawiacy śpiewają (nie)ZAKAZANE PIOSENKI” - wspólne śpiewanie piosenek powstańczych, Plac Piłsudskiego (transmisja w TVP1), wstęp wolny 
21:00 - uroczystości na Kopcu Powstania Warszawskiego - rozpalenie Ogniska Pamięci, ul. Bartycka 
24:00 - „Ciekawa pora roku” - spektakl teatralny, scenariusz, reżyseria, scenografia: Agata Duda-Gracz, sala pod Liberatorem Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego, wstęp z zaproszeniami (spektakl będzie grany także 2, 3, 4 oraz 5 sierpnia o godz. 20:00. Bilety: kasa MPW oraz na stronie ) 
“Orzeł Biały - Natalia Sikora - Powstanie Warszawskie

Monday, July 27, 2015

Tadpoles - a living lesson about the life cycle.

One summer day in Warsaw Basia came along an attractive pound, so she searched the water and found the tadpoles. She took some home to immerse herself in the world of frogs.

Tadpoles don't stay tadpoles forever. Watching them is a living lesson about the natural life cycle. In just a few weeks, embryos become long-tailed tadpoles and then fully formed frogs.  The child can watch them swim and develop, sprout legs and become frogs in real time. 

Rules and regulations for raising tadpoles and keeping frogs. 
  1. The container should be wide and short for the best oxygen accessibility. Ideally, the water will come from nature such as from a clean pond or a clear stream. If you use water from the tap, let it stand for at least three days before you use it, or the chlorine can kill your tadpoles. Keep maximum eight tadpoles in a single gallon of water, which should remain between 59 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Change the water twice a week, making sure to maintain a consistent water temperature. Changing your tadpole's water is similar to changing a fish's water. First, scoop out your tadpoles using a soft net and place them in a container of new water. Be very careful, since tadpoles have sensitive skin. Dump out the tank and refill it with new water, then add the tadpoles back in.
  3. Feed your tadpoles a combination of organic matter like sliced green grapes, zucchini, peas and broccoli. You can add algae-growing leaves from a pond or stream, or algae tablets from the pet supply store. There are no hard and fast measurements for how much food to give your tadpoles, so focus on giving them small meals throughout the day rather than one or two big portions. If they're leaving food it means that you're feeding too much.
  4. Feed your tadpoles meat for proteins as they start to develop legs; this is when their tiny bodies switch from vegetarian to meat-eater. Serve small insects, bloodworms or aphids.
  5. Give your tadpoles a place where they can get out of the water. Once they start sprouting legs, they start losing their gills; this is when they become more like frogs than fish and need to spend time outside the water. Solid areas made of rocks and sticks are typically best, because unlike lily pads and other floating plants, they don't prevent oxygen from getting into the water for any tadpoles that still need it.
  6. Remove fully formed frogs from the tank once they're grown. The giveaway is typically the absorption of the tail. At this point, they aren't tadpoles anymore. It's time to introduce them to the wild or if not to give the frogs a new enclosure to live in.
Frog and Tadpole Books: 
Metamorphosis - Frog Life Cycle
"Tale of a Tadpole" by Karen Wallace
"The Wide-mouthed Frog" by Keith Faulkner
"Growing Frogs" by Vivian French

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Piotrus Szuka Przyjaciela - Opowiesc o Przyjazni

Ostatnio przeczytam corce choc starata, to jakze piekna opowiesc z dziecinstwa “PIOTRUS SZUKA PRZYJACIELA” Jana Edwarda Kucharskiego.  Wzruszajaca opowiesc, gleboko zapisujaca sie w pamieci tresc i przepiekne ilustracje Marii Uszackiej przetrwaly pokolenie i staly sie wspaniala inspiracja. Osmioletnia Basia rysuje kolejno napotykane przez Piotrusia zwierzeta i pragnie stworzyc swa wlasna historie, ktora czasem wzrusza a czasem rozbawia. Zaintrygowana jest szczegolnie warstwa narracyjna, gdzie pojawia sie bezimienna, bezcielesna postac dorslego narratora, z ktora Piotrus, glowny bohater rozmawia i u ktorej szuka porady badz portwierdzenia. Piotrus idzie w poszukiwaniu swojego porwanego przez lisa przyjaciela koguta kierujac sie glosem serca. Choc troche zagubiony, niekiedy przestraszony badz zziebniety  nie chce za nic zrezygnowac z poszukiwania.

Friday, July 24, 2015

What to see in Warsaw

What to see in Warsaw 

The Royal Track:

Zamek Królewski (Royal Castle)
Walking through the Royal Castle, you have to remind yourself constantly that most of it was reconstructed between 1971 and 1984, although the darker elements of the décor were salvaged from the ruins. The castle, located on a plateau overlooking the Vistula River, was built for the Dukes of Mazovia and expanded when King Zygmunt III Vasa (Waza) moved the capital to Warsaw. From the early 17th until the late 18th century, this was the seat of the Polish kings. It subsequently housed the parliament and is now a museum displaying tapestries, period furniture, funerary portraits and collections of porcelain and other decorative arts.
Opening Times: Tues-Sat 10:00-16:00, Sun 11:00-16:00.
Admission Fees: Yes (free on Sun)
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Plac Zamkovy 4, Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: 022 355 5170 or 5338.

Park Łazienkowski (Łazienki Park)
This splendid park contains a number of palaces as well as the Chopin Monument, where the annual Chopin Festival is held each summer, with free concert recitals in the park twice on Sunday afternoon from mid-May to September) set within extensive 18th-century gardens. Pałac na Wyspie (Palace on the Water) is best viewed from near the monument to Jan Sobiewski, on the bridge where Ulica Agrykola crosses the water. Dating from 1624, Zamek Ujazdowski (Ujazdowski Castle) now houses the Centre for Contemporary Art. The 1764 Pałac Belweder (Belvedere Palace) was of the residence of Poland's presidents until 1994.
Opening Times: Most museums are open Tues-Sun 9:00-16:00; park open daily from 8:00 until sunset.
Admission Fees: No (charge for Palace on the Water and Centre for Contemporary Art).
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Ulica Agrykola 1, Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: 022 506 0101.

Pałac w Wilanowie (Wilanów Palace)
In the mid-1600s, King Jan III Sobieski commissioned Augustyn Locci to build the baroque palace and garden of Wilanów for his summer residence. Construction continued from 1677 until the king's death in 1696. Called Vila Nova in Italian (from which the Polish name is derived), it remained popular with subsequent monarchs. Visitors can tour the interior and the gallery, which features portraits of famous Poles. Artistic handicrafts are on display in the Orangerie. Also here is the Muzeum Plakatu (Poster Museum), the first of its kind in the world. Poles have excelled in the poster arts since at least the end of WWII.
Opening Times: Mon, Wed and Sat 9:30-18:30, Tues, Thurs and Fri 9:30-16:30, Sun 10:30-18:30 (May-mid-Sep); Mon and Wed-Sat 9:30-16:30, Sun 10:30-16:30 (mid-Sep-May).
Admission Fees: Yes (free admission to the park on Thurs and the palace on Sun)
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Ulica Wiertnicza 1, Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: 022 842 0795.

Muzeum Pawilon-X (Block 10 Museum)
Housed in the Citadel, a solid 19th-century fortress northwest of the Old Town and overlooking the Vistula, this Warsaw museum was once used as a prison for political enemies of the Russian czars. The lucky inmates were shipped to labour camps in Siberia; the less fortunate were executed at Brama Straceń (Gate of Execution) on the prison grounds. The original cells are still standing and labelled with some of the prison's more famous residents, and paintings by Alexander Sochaczewski, a former inmate transported to Siberia with 20,000 other anti-Russian insurgents in the mid-19th century, adorn the walls.
Opening Times: Wed-Sun 9:00-16:00.
Admission Fees: Yes
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Ulica Skazańców 25, Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: 022 839 2383.

Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego (Warsaw Rising Museum)
The Warsaw Rising Museum is a must-see for those with any interest in history and tales of bravery and self-sacrifice. In order to get a taste of what life in Warsaw must have been like for Varsovians during WWII, this thoroughly comprehensive museum shows examples of how residents resisted the German forces through film footage, photographs, recorded interviews, life-size dioramas, soundscapes and informative plaques, written in both Polish and English. Cityscape pictures pinpointing the handful of buildings that survived WWII are located on the museum's elevated viewing platform; they are a grim reminder of the destruction wrought by the Nazis on Warsaw.
Opening Times: Mon, Wed and Fri 8:00-18:00, Thurs 8:00-20:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-18:00.
Admission Fees: Yes
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Ulica Przyokopowej 28, Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: 022 539 7905.

Muzeum Więzienia Pawiak (Pawiak Prison Museum)
This eerie old prison symbolises the oppression that has dogged Warsaw over the last two centuries. Originally built in 1839 at the order of the czar, the prison counted among its inmates many victims of the Nazi reign of terror from 1939 to1944, when it served as the largest political prison in Poland. A third of the estimated 100,000 detainees never made it out alive. The Nazis tried to dynamite the evidence of their crimes as they fled but Pawiak and its exhibits stand as a testament to Warsaw's seemingly endless ability to suffer and survive.
Opening Times: Wed and Fri 0900-1700, Thurs and Sat 9:00-16:00, Sun 10:00-16:00.
Admission Fees: Yes
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Ulica Dzielna 24/26, Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: 022 831 1317.

Salonik Chopinów (Chopin Family Drawing Room)
Frédéric Chopin only lived in Warsaw until he was 20 years old, but he is the city’s most respected local boy. This drawing room or parlour, in his family's former home, is open to the public; the great composer’s heart is interred in a pillar at the Parish Church of the Holy Cross (Kościół Parafialny Znalezienia Świętego Krzyża) next door. His body, however, lies in the Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. There is also the new and very high-tech Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina, located in Ostrogski Castle, with exhibits on the different phases of his life and career.
Opening Times: Mon-Fri 10:00-14:00.
Admission Fees: Yes
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address:  Ulica Krakowskie Przedmieście 5, Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: 022 320 0275.

Katedra Św Jana (St John's Cathedral)
St John's is thought to be the oldest church in Warsaw. Originally built in the Mazovian gothic style in the 15th century, St John's has been remodelled many times over the century. It was only upgraded from a parish church to a cathedral in 1798. Destroyed during WWII, the cathedral has been reconstructed in its original style and features major gothic art works by Wit Stwosz. The cathedral was used in 1764 for the coronation of the last Polish king (Stanislaw II) and for the swearing in of the Sejm (Polish parliament) after the constitution of 1791.
Opening Times: Mon-Sat 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:00, Sun 15:00-18:00.
Admission Fees: No (charge for the crypt)
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Ulica Świętojańska 8, Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: 022 831 0289.

Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie (National Museum in Warsaw)
The National Museum's impressive collection of artworks and other items dates from ancient times to the present day and total some 800,000 pieces. Highlights include Jan Matejko's monumentalBattle of Grunwald (1878), which celebrates the Polish victory over the Teutonic Knights in 1410, and the Faras Collection of early Christian and Egyptian art, which is unique in Europe. The collection of medieval art is also remarkable – if somewhat gruesome in parts. Unusually, there are also galleries of Polish and European decorative arts. Frequent temporary exhibitions bring prized international works (from Andy Warhol to Caravaggio) to Warsaw.
Opening Times: Tues-Thurs, Sat-Sun 12:00-18:00, Fri 12:00-20:00.
Admission Fees: Yes (free on Tuesdays)
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Aleje Jerozolimskie 3, Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: 022 621 1031 or 629 3093 (information line).

Pałac Kultury I Nauki (Palace of Culture and Science)
Varsovians are divided over this prime example of Socialist Realism. For decades, it was, at 231m (758ft), the tallest building in Poland and a reminder of Stalin's bravura - it was a gift from him to the city, built between 1952 and 1955. Detractors still reckon that the best views of the city are from the top of the structure since it is the only place in Warsaw where you cannot see the Palace of Culture and Science. The viewing platform on the 30th floor at 115m (377ft) does indeed give a terrific view over Warsaw. Besides offices, the building houses a concert hall, a multiscreen cinema, three theatres and two museums.
Opening Times: Daily 9:00-20:00.
Admission Fees: No (charge for the observation deck)
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Plac Defilad 1, Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: 022 656 7136.

Getto Żydowskie (Jewish Ghetto)
What is markedly absent from Warsaw contributes as much to its history as anything that has been preserved or reconstructed. Pre-war Warsaw had a Jewish population second only to New York. After the Nazi invasion, some 450,000 Jews were rounded up and forced into the city's so-called ghetto. A 3m (10ft) wall encircled the area, from the Palace of Culture and Science to the Umschlagplatz monument, at the corner of Ulica Stawki and Ulica Dzika. This stark monument marks the place from where Jews were despatched by train to the Treblinka concentration camp, following the Ghetto Uprising of 19 April 1943. Only three sections of the actual wall remain.
Admission Fees: No
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Jewish Ghetto, Warsaw, Poland
Synagoga Nożyków (Nożyk Synagogue)
This synagogue dating from 1902 is the only Jewish house of worship in Warsaw to have survived the war as it was used as a Nazi warehouse. Other places of interest that connect Warsaw to Jewish history include the Jewish Historical Institute, the Jewish Cemetery and the Museum of the History of Polish Jews. In a shady park just opposite the museum is the rather stern Monument to the Ghetto Heroes, which is on Ulica Ludwika Zamenhofa, in the centre of the ghetto. It was erected on a heap of wartime ruins in 1948.
Opening Times: Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00, Sun 11:00-18:00 (May-Sep); Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00, Sun 11:00-16:00 (Oct-Apr).
Admission Fees: Yes
Disabled Access: Yes
Unesco: No
Address: Ulica Twarda 6, WarsawPoland
Telephone: 022 620 4324 or 0502 400 849.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Green Places in NYC

Find a right place so even a NYC hot summer can turn into a pleasant experience. Check my favorite places.
A morning walk along The Highline Park
Great park to just walk around and relax during warm weather. I've been here countless times before and every time I come here, I have yet to become disappointed. There's just so much to see. Equipped with everything from restrooms to food stands, the High Line was an old elevated freight train line that went through building in order to transport goods. The city decided to fix the abandoned train line and transformed it into the elegant elevated park it is today.
The trees and plants along the whole park add a different level of freshness to the park and the view of the West Side of Manhattan and the Hudson River upraise the value!
The High Line, once ugly, old elevated rail line has become a favorite place in the city for many people. The city did such a fine job with the plants, sculptures, modern-looking benches, and fountains. Some vendors set up shop for people to take a little break from the trail.
The Highline Park recently opened the last leg of the park after construction. The last part extends to the Jacob Javits Center in 34th street. It makes the park more available for those attending a conference and who want a well-deserved break.
The finished extension looks beautiful! You can go to the hide and seek area. Small children can enjoy the rabbit hole there.
Check for details
Chill out anytime and in anywhere of the Central Park - the first landscaped Public Park in the United States build to establish international reputation. After three years of debate over the park site and cost, in 1853 the state legislature authorized the City of New York to use the power of eminent domain to acquire more than 700 acres of land in the center of Manhattan.
An irregular terrain of swamps and bluffs, punctuated by rocky outcroppings, made the land between Fifth and Eighth avenues and 59th and 106th streets undesirable for private development. Creating the park, however, required displacing roughly 1,600 poor residents, including Irish pig farmers and German gardeners, who lived in shanties on the site. At Eighth Avenue and 82nd Street, Seneca Village had been one of the city's most stable African-American settlements, with three churches and a school. The extension of the boundaries to 110th Street in 1863 brought the park to its current 843 acres.
Hide in Elevated Acre
You can reach this acre-long plaza by an escalator. It is lined with benches and foliage and boasting views of the Brooklyn Bridge. Home to outdoor movie screenings and office workers' lunch breaks, it's unassuming, attached to 55 Water Street.
Explored the Heather Garden in the Fort Tryon Park
In 1935 the vaunted Olmsted brothers were tapped to design this three–acre park, one of the largest heath and heather gardens on the East Coast, located 100 feet above the Hudson River with views of the Palisades over in New Jersey. There are other flowers to be found here, too, from hydrangeas to irises.
Consider a sunset in the Battery Park City which was created by land reclamation on the Hudson River using over 3 million cubic yards of soil and rock excavated during the construction of the World Trade Center, the New York City Water Tunnel, and certain other construction projects, as well as from sand dredged from New York Harbor off Staten Island. The neighborhood, which is the site of Brookfield Place (formerly the World Financial Center), along with numerous buildings designed for housing, commercial, and retail, is named for adjacent Battery Park.