
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Basia's Adventure in India

India Country of Extremes
It is believed that India is one of the oldest and richest civilizations in the world.
The Indus valley civilization flourished in the region of the Indus valley, areas what today is northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India.
Along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, it was one of the three the most widespread, covering 1.25 million km2. Entire populations of people were settled around the basins of the Indus River and Ghaggar-Hakra River (or the Harap) which once used to course through northeast India and eastern Pakistan.
The Ancient Indians have taught us yoga, meditation and complementary medicines.
They also have furthered our knowledge of science, math – and invented Chaturanga, which became the game of chess.
Albert Einstein said: "We own a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made." Indians invented the numbers 1-9 and ‘zero’, without which there would be no computers or digital age. Unfairly today we call this system of counting Arabic numbers.
Two thousand years ago the Indians initiated plastic surgery, reconstructing the noses and ears on the faces of people who had been disfigured through punishment or warfare. They performed eye operations such as cataract removal and invented vaccination to protect their population from Smallpox, saving thousands of lives.
Ancient Indians knew how to live with nature. They taught us: 
God is in all living things. 
Don't disrespect anybody. 
Respect all living things. 
Respect nature. 
Live and let live. 
Respect all religions. 
In one way or other all path leads to the same god.
Check references:
10 oldest Ancient civilizations ever existed

History of India

Video What the Ancients Knew – India Hosted by Jack Turner. 
Published by Discovery Channel, 2007.

Monday, February 6, 2017

2017 - Year of the Fire Rooster

“The New Year of the Fire Rooster 
is going to bring fresh challenges requiring quick wit and practical solutions!” 
– Astrology Club says.
read more by opening the link or just strolling down the post.
Chinatown, NYC, 2017
“The Chinese New Year 2017 begins on January 28, 2017. The Chinese New Year’s festivities end two weeks later on the 15th day of the first month on what is known as the Lantern Festival.
During the Chinese New Year’s celebrations, there are many traditional activities, some local and others celebrated universally. The Chinese believe that as they enter a new year, they should start a new beginning. They clean their houses, pay off all of their debts, purchase new clothes, paint their doors, and even get new haircuts in order to have a fresh start for the New Year.
Chinatown, NYC, 2017
During the Chinese New Year 2017 you will see fireworks and hear firecrackers! There are many beliefs about why fireworks are used. One belief is that the noise of the fireworks is supposed to scare away all evil spirits allowing the New Year to begin without misfortunes.
The Yearof the Rooster will be a powerful one, with no middle of the road when it comes to moving forward. This year, impressions count. You’ll want to look your best and be clear on your intentions concerning love, money, and business. Stick to practical and well-proven paths to ensure success, rather than risky ventures.
Remember: In a Rooster Year, all of the Chinese animals can reap great rewards by tapping into Rooster traits. Loyalty, commitment, hard work, family values, and top-notch appearances are just some of the characteristics that will be rewarded this year. Read on to see what YOU can expect over the next 12 months – “as the Rooster crows!”
Chinatown, NYC, 2017
Find more interesting facts:

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Good Books - “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” by Kate DiCamillo

Another breathtaking story by Kate DiCamillo 
about finding friendship, finding yourself, and eventually finding your way home.

"Someone will come for you, but first you must open your heart. . . ."

Rabbit made by BP

The main character, Edward Tulane, a handsome but self-assured and cold-hearted china rabbit learns the transformative power of love and realizes his inner strengths through the decades of challenging encounters. In this melancholy story there is cruelty and misery, including a little girl who dies of pneumonia and her abandoned brother who goes to the world to hunt for a better life. Any reader, child or adult, will weep while going through the rich and powerful story.

Read and remember to share this book with others.