
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Persistence, Passion and Perseverance - Keys to Victory

Persistence is all about turning up and taking constant action. Persistence comes easy with passion.
Passion is loving what you do. 
Perseverance is dedication in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Basia mastering Rubik's cube, 2017

Not that you should persist in every case. Sometimes we hold on too long. Studies have shown that when people pursue an unobtainable goal they get stressed out and sick.
Before you decide to go through, look at where you are at and where you are heading. This will help you to see the reality while believing things will still work out. It will let you to shift and adapt and change your goal, if needed. To achieve it is the most important.
Persistence, keeps you on track until you reach your goal.
It’s a simple concept – keep going until you get there. But, we make it so much harder than that. We struggle, we question and fight, we battle to achieve our goals. Sure, there’s adversity and challenge in life, but most of the struggle against success is because we persist at the wrong things.
If you’re passionate about what you are doing, if your goal aligns with your deeper values and desires it isn’t all that hard to keep going. There isn’t a whole lot of fight. You know you’re on the right path, so you persist and take inspired action every day toward what you most want.
If things are feeling hard. If life feels a little slow and dull and thongs aren’t that motivating, assess whether your daily goals are– or the things you feel obligated to do – match up with the things that matter most to you.
By discovering the discrepancies between how you spend your time and how you want to spend your time – you can find ways to align your desires with your actions. This will allow you to spend some time on your passions and purpose each day and that infuses your life with energy. Persistence, is just a by-product of that.

Benjamin Franklin said: Energy and persistence conquer all things.
The power to keep going will conquer all other obstacles.

If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Some days the actions you take will be big, other days your best will be very little, but keep moving forward to persevere and succeed.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Good Book – “Out of My Mind” by Sharon Draper – Melody a Girl with Cerebral Palsy

The book that can change your understanding for those people who have disabilities, who are on wheelchairs, who have Cerebral Palsy, who can’t move, who can’t speak, express own needs or feelings.

Unique Dolls just like Melody by Polish Artist - Renata Gołaszewska-Adamczyk

Great Writer - Jennifer L. Holm

JenniferL. Holm is an American kids writer who received numerous awards and honors.

2000 for Our Only May Amelia Our Only May Amelia
2011 for Turtle in Paradise
2011 Golden Kite Award for Turtle in Paradise
2013 Eisner Award for Best Publication for Early Readers for Babymouse for President
2014 California Book Awards Gold Medal Juvenile winner for The Fourteenth Goldfish
2015 E. B. White Read Aloud Award for The Fourteenth Goldfish

She is famous not only for her standalone but also for graphic novels and numerous series.

Visit Jennifer L. Holm web 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Decision-Making about Feeding in Patients with Dementia

Feeding problems are very common in patients with dementia.
Useful materials to learn about feeding options, what decision to make and why you can find in:
And related video: 
Please also check “Patient Aid Summery”