
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Help your Child to Deal with Envy, Jealousy, and Competition

 We feel envious when someone has something we want; 

We feel jealous when we’re afraid of losing what we already have; 

We compete constantly measuring ourselves against others.

We feel envious when someone has something we want.
There’s benefit in accepting envy because the right kind of envy can make you work harder for something. “If you are curious and compassionate with yourself when you feel envious or jealous, you may learn that there is something important missing in your relationships or career. You can then use that insight to make changes in your life that help you get or keep what is valuable to you,” Appio says.
Envy can easily turn into jealousy because it narrows our perspective and creates a sense of scarcity. But with benign envy - the kind of envy that hasn’t yet devolved into jealousy - you simply recognize someone else’s fortune and want it for yourself.
We feel jealous when we’re afraid of losing what we already have.
We only feel jealous when we think that we are in a direct competition with the person we are jealous of. A student who feels jealous when one of his schoolmates is praised by the teacher is actually afraid of losing the status to that competitor.
The more jealous you feel towards a person the more weak you think you are compared to him. If someone kept talking behind your back and kept saying bad things about you then don’t feel bad because in many cases this can be regarded as a verbal confession that you are better than him. If you found yourself feeling jealous of other people then consider it the time to start changing things about yourself instead of criticizing or hating them.
We all might feel jealous at certain points of our lives but those who really understand jealousy will try to fix their problems while others will only become envious and full of hatred.
We compete constantly measuring ourselves against others.
Competitive feelings can trigger penetrating thinking of self-reflection. When we see someone whose is doing better we ask ourselves what fatal flaw prevents us from generating the impressive output they do. Aren’t we’re talented enough, or are we worse, or lazy, or shy?

Steps to deal with competition in life
  1. Act gracefully. You can't guarantee that you will always succeed, but you can take charge of how you feel.
  2. Practice empathy. ...
  3. Use your sense of humor. ...
  4. Avoid and recognize covert competition. ...
  5. Deal with others who play dirty. ...
  6. Keep some information private to reduce competition. ...
  7. Create the right kind of environment.

Check “The Power of Positive Thinking” a self-help book by Norman Vincent Peale

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Historical Fiction - "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" by Avi

In 1832 Charlotte Doyle, 13 years old  girl from the upper class, is making a voyage from England to Providence, Rhode Island, to be join her family. She is a guest on the "Seahawk" vessel, manages to make a few friends of the crew and get their respect, but in the end no one can help her but herself. She is put in a terrifying condition from the moment of boarding the ship, and the whole situation is only getting worse with time, but she is learning a lot about classes, authority and justice, and most importantly, how to survive. Those experiences change Charlotte from soft and naive to tough and mature. In the end, a life on land with her family makes her agitated so she decides to return to ….
Another delightfully written historical fiction, a great adventure on the Pacific Ocean, a picture of 19th century places and classes with scrupulous details about life on board and how it worked – including sketches of the "Seahawk" vessel and ship jargon. My 11 years old daughter appreciates all, the history, the lessons within, and the engagement the book brings with its mystery adventure. Readers of all ages and genders can enjoy this book.
To listen an audio-book go to TCCDMovie 
 New York, Art by BP, 2018

About the author:
Avi is a pen name for Edward Irving Wortis. That name Edward Irving Wortis received from his twin sister as a kid. Avi was born in 1937 in Brooklyn, NY. He has created many fictional favorites such as The True Confessions ofCharlotte Doyle, Nothing but the Truth, and the Crispin series. His work is popular among readers all ages. 
To read more about Avi go to 
To visit Edward Irving Wortis’ web go to

Friday, January 4, 2019

Always On A Look Out For a Good Book

My eleven-year-old daughter found “The Most Deserving Newbery” list created by Goodreads and she uses it as a great book guide.