
Monday, September 30, 2019

Once Again About DYSLEXIA

It affects one in five people.
It crosses racial, ethnic and socioeconomic lines.

Why Teach Your Child a Pleasure of a Bike Ride?

"Riding a bike not only improves physical fitness, it also benefits your child’s learning development and mental health."

Bicycle has various purposes in childhood development. It is a toy and a way to get around. It often serves all it functions at the same time, even as your child gets older.

 “Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride,” once President John F Kennedy said.

Bike riding is a skill that comes with a wide range of benefits.
It’s fun
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that are the most rewarding. Learning to ride a bike is one of them. Once your child has a bike, cycling is a fun and free activity that they can enjoy with friends and family for life.
It keeps child physically active
TheAustralian Guidelines for Health recommend that children should engage in at least one hour of vigorous physical activity every day to stay healthy. However, according to TheHeart Foundation, as many as 80% of Australian children aren’t meeting these guidelines. Encouraging your child to ride a bike while they're young helps to establish healthy exercise habits that are likely to stay with them for life.
It benefits child’s mental health and learning
Riding a bike not only improves physical fitness, it also benefits your child’s learning development and mental health. Research shows that students who ride bike to school are more focused and ready to learn, compared with those who are driven. Taking part in regular physical activity also has links to increase happiness, as well as giving kids more opportunities to make social connections.
Riding a bike improves physical fitness, learning development and mental health.
Cycling is an activity that all ages can enjoy. Mums, dads, kids, and even grandparents can take part in a family bike ride. It’s a great way to share some quality time, and it’s good for you too. Remember, the key to family bike rides is to have fun. So start slowly and take plenty of breaks to give little riders time to rest.
It’s good for the environment
Teaching your child to ride a bike has long-termbenefits for the environment. Using active transport like cycling instead of driving reduces carbon emissions, eases traffic congestion and eliminates parking problems. Less pollution and traffic mean our communities will become greener, healthier and less stressful places to live.
It’s an easy way to get around
Cadel describes bikes as “the perfect vehicle for transport.” And he’s right. Once your child gets older, riding a bike becomes a quick and healthy way for them to get to and from school, sporting and play activities. Even better, it saves you time because your child won’t have to rely on you for lifts. Now that’s a benefit every parent can relate to!

Learning a language is like learning to ride a bike.

The bike analogy highlights the different between language learning and language acquisition. If you go to class like a dutiful student for a year and learn all about how the grammar of some language works, but never actually get it very much and don't read much or do many practice exercises, then you've only learned, and not acquired. If you drop it and come back a year later, it'll be like there was nothing there.
If you get intermediate or even advanced in a language - to the point where there is a high level of automatically i.e. you don't need to think about genders, case declension, you can recall the most common 5,000 words at a normal speed, etc, then you have acquired the language. Understanding and using a language uses procedural memory, but learning a language uses declarative memory. Adult language learners go to class to get a leg up by learning grammar and vocab via declarative memory, and then what they're supposed to do is go out and practice a bunch in order to build up their procedural knowledge.
So, in summary, yes, language is like riding a bike, but only if you ever became good (like actually good like A+) at it.
Structural aspects of language, like grammar and the sound system, are learned via procedural memory. Procedural memory is a memory system known to be involved in acquiring skills involving sequences, like learning how to ride a bike.

Learning a language is exactly like learning to ride a bike. However, most people do not understand what it really means to "ride a bike". People assume it means you will never forget how to do it. This is only true if you rode a lot. If you learned to ride a bike and then the moment you managed to successfully ride your first few hundred meters stopped riding for a decade or two, the chances are you would need to learn from scratch again if you wanted to ride after that decade. Most kids learn to ride a bike and then literally use it as often and as much as possible. They go everywhere on their bikes and will ride for hours without end, even if they have no real destination in mind. They ride because they love to ride! This translates directly into massive amounts of reinforcements for the neural pathways used. Every time a skill is used the neural pathways involved becomes "stronger" and more permanent.
If you learn a language and for several years use it just as much as you used your bike when you first got it you will also never lose the ability, or rather the deterioration will be so slow that you'll be able to pick it up again very fast at a later date. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Good Note-Taking

Teach your child good note-taking as early as possible.

  1. The Cornell Method
  2. The Outline Method
  3. Mind Map

Show how to find important information in text or during a lecture.
Check other hints/suggestions.

Sketch-noted Cornell Notes

Sunday, September 1, 2019

80 Years Ago Stared War World II - 80 Lat Temu Rozpoczęła się II Wojna Światowa

Dzieci były objęte obowiązkiem pracy przymusowej.
Children were subject to compulsory labor.

Dokładnie 80 Lat Temu Rozpoczęła się II Wojna Światowa

1 września 1939 r. Nazistowskie Niemcy zaatakowały Polskę i Wojsko Polskie przytłaczającą siłą 1,5 miliona żołnierzy wspieranych przez taktyczne wsparcie powietrzne i pojazdy opancerzone na ziemi. Pierwszy strzał z II wojny światowej wystrzelono w Polsce, w gdańskim porcie bałtyckim, położonym na Półwyspie Westerplatte. Niedługo później w odpowiedzi na ten akt agresji Wielka Brytania i Francja wypowiedziały wojnę nazistowskim Niemcom - rozpoczyna się II wojna światowa.

W październiku 1939 r. Niemcy zaanektowały byłe terytoria wschodnie, w tym Polskę.

Polityka eksterminacji narodu polskiego była wcielana przez niemieckiego okupanta od samego początku drugiej Wojny Światowej. Szczególne miejsce w tej polityce zajmowały polskie dzieci i młodzież.

Głównym celem była zagłada, ale Polaków traktowano też jako potężny rezerwuar taniej siły roboczej. Dotyczyło to również dzieci i młodzieży. Na całym terytorium podbitym przez Niemców ustalono różny wiek, od którego dzieci były objęte obowiązkiem pracy przymusowej. W Wielkopolsce musiały pracować od 12 roku życia, w Generalnej Guberni od 14. Na terenach, które zostały odbite Związkowi Radzieckiemu także obowiązywała cezura 14 lat. Często jednak ustalenia te nie były przestrzegane, brano także dzieci młodsze.

Kiedy nazistowskie Niemcy (1-go września 1939) i Rosja Sowiecka (17-go września 1939) zaatakowały Polskę, wymiana uczonych między USA i Polską ustała.

II wojna światowa nie pozostawiła żadnej części świata nietkniętej i jest uważana za jeden z największych konfliktów w historii. Szacuje się, że II wojna światowa spowodowała ponad 55 milionów zgonów na całym świecie, w tym śmierć 5 720 000 Polaków.

Exactly 80 Years Ago Stared War World II

On September 1st, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland and attacked the Polish Army with an overwhelming force of 1.5 million troops backed by tactical air support and armored vehicles on the ground. The first shot of WWII was fired in Poland, at the Baltic Sea port of Gdansk, located on the Westerplatte peninsula. Sometime later, in response to this act of aggression, Great Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany - World War II begins. 

In October 1939 Germany annexed former Eastern territories including Poland. 

The policy of exterminating the Polish nation was incorporated by the German occupier from the very beginning of the Second World War. Polish children and youth had a special place in this policy.

The main goal was extermination, but Poles were also treated as a powerful reservoir of cheap labor. This also applied to children and youth. In the entire territory conquered by the Germans, a different age was determined from which the children were subject to compulsory labor. They had to work in Wielkopolska since the age of 12, in the General Governorate from 14. In the areas which were recaptured, the Soviet Union also had a 14-year turn. Often, however, these arrangements were not observed, and younger children were also taken.

When Nazi Germany (September 1st, 1939 and Soviet Russia (September 17th, 1939) attacked Poland, the exchange of scholars between the U.S. and Poland stopped.

World War II left no part of the world untouched and it is considered as one of the largest conflicts in history. It is estimated that World War II resulted in over 55 million deaths worldwide, including the loss of 5,720,000 Poles.