
Monday, January 31, 2022

Basia, Iwona Glogowska-Gieszcz and Urszula Glogowska At The Battery Park City Authority's 2022 Annual Art Exhibition

6 River Terrace, NY, NY

Photo Album

Featured Art can also be viewed in person at 

6 River Terrace on 

Mondays & Tuesdays, 

January 31-March 29, 2022 from 

1-3PM (no viewing Monday, February 21).

Iwona Glogowska-Gieszcz
Iwonka z Sulejowa

BPCA Presents: 2022 Virtual Annual Art Exhibition

Sunday, January 30, 2022

January 30th is National CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) Awareness Day

CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) is a progressive disease of the brain which occurs in individuals with a history of repeated brain trauma, like concussion. Although it isn’t always necessarily associated with sports, we do see CTE in athletes who have played sports where head injury can occur, such as football, hockey, skiing, skating or other. We all should spread awareness about the disease, its symptoms, and warning signs. To learmn more read:

Friday, January 14, 2022

Detective Albert Campion for Mistery Lovers

Albert Campion Mystery Series,
created and written by Margery Allingham

Book Name 

The Crime at Black Dudley, 1929

Mystery Mile, 1930

Look to the Lady, 1931

Police at the Funeral, 1931

Sweet Danger, 1933

Death of a Ghost, 1934

Flowers for the Judge, 1936

The Case of the Late Pig, 1937

Dancers in Mourning, 1937

The Fashion in Shrouds, 1938

Traitor’s Purse, 1941

Coroner’s Pidgin, 1945

More Work for the Undertaker, 1948

The Tiger in the Smoke, 1952

The Beckoning Lady, 1955

Hide My Eyes, 1958

The China Governess, 1962

The Mind Readers, 1965

A Cargo of Eagles, 1968

Mr. Campion’s Farthing, 1969

Mr. Campion’s Quarry, 1971

Mr. Campion’s Fox, 2015

Mrs. Bradley by Gladys Mitchell for Mystery Lovers of All Ages

Mrs. Bradley by Gladys Mitchell Books in Order
  1. A Speedy Death by Gladys Mitchell (1929) 
  2. The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop by Gladys Mitchell (1929) 
  3. The Longer Bodies by Gladys Mitchell (1930) 
  4. The Saltmarsh Murders by Gladys Mitchell (1932) 
  5. Death at the Opera / Death in the Wet by Gladys Mitchell (1934) 
  6. The Devil at Saxon Wall by Gladys Mitchell (1935) 
  7. Dead Men's Morris by Gladys Mitchell (1936) 
  8. Come Away, Death by Gladys Mitchell (1937) 
  9. St Peter's Finger by Gladys Mitchell (1938) 
  10. Printer's Error by Gladys Mitchell (1939) 
  11. Brazen Tongue by Gladys Mitchell (1940) 
  12. Hangman's Curfew by Gladys Mitchell (1941) 
  13. When Last I Died by Gladys Mitchell (1941) 
  14. Laurels Are Poison by Gladys Mitchell (1942) 
  15. The Worsted Viper by Gladys Mitchell (1943) 
  16. Sunset Over Soho by Gladys Mitchell (1943) 
  17. My Father Sleeps by Gladys Mitchell (1944) 
  18. The Rising of the Moon by Gladys Mitchell (1945) 
  19. Here Comes a Chopper by Gladys Mitchell (1946) 
  20. Death and the Maiden by Gladys Mitchell (1947) 
  21. The Dancing Druids by Gladys Mitchell (1948) 
  22. Tom Brown's Body by Gladys Mitchell (1949) 
  23. Groaning Spinney / Murder in the Snow by Gladys Mitchell (1950) 
  24. The Devil's Elbow by Gladys Mitchell (1951) 
  25. The Echoing Strangers by Gladys Mitchell (1952) 
  26. Merlin's Furlong by Gladys Mitchell (1953) 
  27. Faintley Speaking by Gladys Mitchell (1954) 
  28. Watson's Choice by Gladys Mitchell (1955) 
  29. Twelve Horses and the Hangman's Noose by Gladys Mitchell (1956) 
  30. The Twenty-Third Man by Gladys Mitchell (1957) 
  31. Spotted Hemlock by Gladys Mitchell (1958) 
  32. The Man Who Grew Tomatoes by Gladys Mitchell (1959) 
  33. Say It with Flowers by Gladys Mitchell (1960) 
  34. Nodding Canaries by Gladys Mitchell (1961) 
  35. My Bones Will Keep by Gladys Mitchell (1962) 
  36. Adders on the Heath by Gladys Mitchell (1963) 
  37. Death of a Delft Blue by Gladys Mitchell (1964) 
  38. Pageant of Murder by Gladys Mitchell (1965) 
  39. The Croaking Raven by Gladys Mitchell (1966) 
  40. Skeleton Island by Gladys Mitchell (1967) 
  41. Three Quick and Five Dead by Gladys Mitchell (1968) 
  42. Dance to Your Daddy by Gladys Mitchell (1969) 
  43. Gory Dew by Gladys Mitchell (1970) 
  44. Lament for Leto by Gladys Mitchell (1971) 
  45. A Hearse on May-Day by Gladys Mitchell (1972) 
  46. The Murder of Busy Lizzie by Gladys Mitchell (1973) 
  47. A Javelin for Jonah by Gladys Mitchell (1974) 
  48. Winking at the Brim by Gladys Mitchell (1974) 
  49. Convent on Styx by Gladys Mitchell (1975) 
  50. Late, Late in the Evening by Gladys Mitchell (1976) 
  51. Noonday and Night by Gladys Mitchell (1977) 
  52. Fault in the Structure by Gladys Mitchell (1977) 
  53. Wraiths and Changelings by Gladys Mitchell (1978) 
  54. Mingled with Venom by Gladys Mitchell (1978) 
  55. Nest of Vipers by Gladys Mitchell (1979) 
  56. The Mudflats of the Dead by Gladys Mitchell (1979) 
  57. Uncoffin'd Clay by Gladys Mitchell (1980) 
  58. The Whispering Knights by Gladys Mitchell (1980) 
  59. The Death Cap Dancers by Gladys Mitchell (1981) 
  60. Lovers, Make Moan by Gladys Mitchell (1981) 
  61. Here Lies Gloria Mundy by Gladys Mitchell (1982) 
  62. Death of a Burrowing Mole by Gladys Mitchell (1982) 
  63. The Greenstone Griffins by Gladys Mitchell (1983) 
  64. Cold, Lone, and Still by Gladys Mitchell (1983) 
  65. No Winding-Sheet by Gladys Mitchell (1984) 
  66. The Crozier Pharaohs by Gladys Mitchell (1984)

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Teletherapy - Review Tips and Tools

With the New Year - New Start

I would like to share a post “Tips and Tools for Using Teletherapy in your Practice” by Jordyn Sims Pierce, MS, CCC-SLP, ATP to review:

HIPAA Compliance
Video conferencing platforms:
  • Zoom
  • Google Meet
  • WebEx
  • Document Cameras
  • Interactive PowerPoint/Google Slides Presentation
  • Assigning Homework

To read more open the link below.