
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Speech Therapy Tests with Descriptions

"Mom" by Basia P., 2011
Hi Speech Language Pathologists,
I would like to share a list of more than 90 speech therapy tests with descriptions I  have came across. 
Hope it helps.

An Examination of the Oral Speech Mechanism was performed to determine if oral structure and function are adequate for speech production. …errors/concerns were noticed during the exam. The child was … to perform all tasks required and diadokokinetic rate was .... Oral motor structure and functions were judged to be… for speech production.

Assessment of PhonologicalProcesses, Spanish (APP -Sp) 
Austin Spanish ArticulationTest (Austin) 
Bilingual SyntaxMeasure, I or II  (BSM, I or II)  Bilingual VocabularyAssessment Measure (BVAM) 
Boehm Test of BasicConcepts-Revised, Spanish (BTBC-R-SP)  Bracken Basic ConceptsScale-Revised-Spanish  (BBCS-R-Sp)  Clinical Evaluation ofLanguage Fundamentals-3, Spanish (CELF-3-SP)
Del Rio LanguageScreening Test (DRLST)  Dos Amigos VerbalLanguage Scales 
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Upper Extension-Revised, Spanish  Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Revised, Spanish 
Expressive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test-Upper Extension,
2000-Spanish ExpressiveOne-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-2000, Spanish 
Language AssessmentScale (LAS) 
Medida Española deArticulación (MEDA) 
Multicultural VocabularyTest (MVT) 
Preschool LanguageAssessment Instrument-Spanish  (PLAI-Sp)    (Prueba Para ElDiagnostico del Lenguaje Pre-Escolar)  Preschool LanguageScale-3, Spanish (PLS-3, Sp)
Pruebas deExpresión  Oral y Percepción de La  Lenguaje Española (PEOPLE):
Prueba del DesarrolloInicial del Lenguaje (PDIL) 
Receptive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test, Revised--Spanish  (ROWPVT-R-Sp) 
Receptive One-WordPicture Vocabulary Test –Upper Extension, Revised-Spanish (ROWPVT-UE-Sp)   Screening Test ofSpanish Grammar (STSG)  Spanish ArticulationMeasure (SAM)  Spanish ExpressiveVocabulary Test (SEVT)  Spanish LanguageAssessment Procedures: A Communication Skills Inventory  (SLAP)
Spanish StructuredPhotographic Expressive Language Test-Preschool (SPELT-P-Sp)
Spanish StructuredPhotographic Expressive Language Test-II (SPELT-II-Sp)
Spanish Test forAssessing Morphologic Production (STAMP)
Test de Vocabulario deImágenes, Peabody (TVIP)    Toronto Test ofReceptive Vocabulary (TTRV)
Click here for a list of ENGLISH tests that may be used with SPANISH-SPEAKING children

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