
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

After Laryngectomy

A friend of mine who was diagnosed with a neck and throat cancer asked me the questions:
What is going to happen to me after a total laryngectomy? 
What are my options for speech or ways of communication after the surgery?

sheared my knowledge and recommended to watch a video, which in my opinion is stupendous, well prepared and presented by The University of Kansas, Department of Otolaryngology. Please watch:

In that hard time and circumstances it is very important to join a support group to find a balance and solutions for the further life. 
“WebWhispers” it’s a virtual but still a high-quality web support group, where he could find all sots of information:
  1. The new ways of communication
  2. A list of vendors to perches the equipment or devices
Continuing, I've heard very good opinions about Provox HME System – HME Cassette which help to improve the pulmonary function and quality of life.
To learn more click on the link below
In the below link, under a throat section, there are sorts of Provox HME products related to laryngectomy.

"Don't forger to drink lots of water." 

An interesting fact, it is commonly know that an electrolarynx gives a robot-like sound production with no fluctuation. In these days technology is developing incredibly fast and as a result on the market has appeared a new type of electrolarynx called TruTone™ Electrolarynx with an up-and-down modulation. Watch the video to see yourself.

"Don't get discouraged - Keep on going!"

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