
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Marionette Puppet Theater

Yesterday, on Veterans’ Day we went to a puppet theater. Not any puppet theater, but to a professional, extraordinary marionette theater called Puppetworks, founded and directed by Nicolas "Nicolo" Coppola.  
Puppetworks it’s a small but unique place, hidden in a historic part of Park Slope in Brooklyn, where the traditionally carved marionettes are dangling from the ceiling giving a warm welcome to the visitors.
“Hansel and Gretel”, the 1853 Brothers Grimm story has captured the imagination of audiences for generations. In Nicolas Coppol’s adaptation and with exquisitely crafted by him marionettes, Kevin Frisch’s scrolling scenery, the beautiful songs from the opera by Engelbert Humperdinck, “Ride of the Valkyrie” by Richard Wagner, the classic tale brings the most famous of the Grimm Brother’s stories to life. The master puppeteers, Hansel and Gretel, Suzie their pet duck, the parents, the Forest Animals, Scherzo, the forest bird, Sandor, the Sadmen, the Angels of Goodness and the Lady Rosina Sweet-Tooth - a witch are sure to delight audiences of all ages!
The pre-show introduction helped children to understand the idea and become involved in a 50 minute, unique storytelling experience. The kids were entirely entertained throughout the entire show. They were laughing, sighing or fidgeting from the excitement. The story was full of beautiful expressions and the scenes were nicely premeditated. My 5 years old daughter was enthralled with the performance! So do I. It was a great show, absolutely worth the trip and money. An ordinary day turned into a magical journey to an extraordinary theater. The show was absolutely fascinating and the occurrence unforgettable!

Penny Jones and Co. Puppets
For the Puppet show lovers I would also strongly recommend Penny Jones and Co. Puppets, The Early Childhood Puppet Theater for children aged three to eight, created by Penny Jones in the 1970's and located in the West Village, Manhattan. The theater specializes in informal puppet shows, and puppet ballets with live music.
I took my daughter to see “The Magic Forest.” The performance was smartly designed in three main parts for the young audience to maintain the attention, focus and interest. 
In the introductory part, Ms. Jones herself helped children to understand a plot, learn about the characters and their roles.  During the first break the kids were able to move their hands and legs to the rhythm and get ready for more stories. The nursery rhymes which appeared half way let the children break the silence. 
Along the show the audience was asked several questions which required creative thinking to find the best answers and solutions. In addition the children practiced their language skills. 
The children left the show with the filling of being an active part of the performance. They learned how to make crowd noises, sound effects or a magic mixture to bring spring sooner.  At the end Barbara had a chance to get a backstage tour, touch and maneuver the puppets or asked variety of questions related to the process of making and operating them. The whole experience was exceptional.

David Syrotiak’s National Marionette Theater
If you are willing to travel further it is worthy to go to Brattleboro, Vermont to visit David Syrotiak’s National Marionette Theater, founded by David A. Syrotiak in 1967

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