
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Gingerbread Man Tradition

The holiday season is forthcoming. Since our families are multicultural they are all getting ready in particular ways. To help our child to understand differences we can start by comparing our tradition with the others and then by introducing the new customs. Reading related stories, talking about them, creating arts and making traditional dishes are the ways to reach our goal.
These days we have focused on a Gingerbread Man.
By Basia, 2012
First we got familiar with a classic, easy to read, version of “The Gingerbread Man.”
Then we discussed the plot, characters and activates we wished to do.
At first we played an interactive game on the computer to create a Gingerbread Man on the screen.
The next choice was to play with a clay and baking cut out to make a shape of a Gingerbread Man. While still wet we added some ornaments and let it dry for few hours.
By Basia, 2012
For a break we watched and listened to a story on the YouTube
Then using cardboard ages, paints and paper we created scenery.
By Basia, 2012
To relax our muscles we moved to “The Gingerbread Man” song.
Then there was a time to craft the characters for a later play. We used printable, black and white templates, crayons to color, scotch tape to support the paper, glue to place them on the black construction paper and seizures to cut them out. To get the templates stroll the page all the way down . You can print colored version if preferred.
By Basia, 2012
Finally we arranged a simple performance.
By Basia, 2012
Below you can find more “The Gingerbread Man” versions to listen and read:

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