
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Fever – High Temperature Remedies

Basia, 2007
Higher temperature is not always a bed sign.  At first, because it is a symptom of defense reaction of the body, the immune system mobilizes signal to combat microbes. Moderate fever accelerates metabolism, which stimulates the formation of immune antibodies, besides higher temperature damages the virus. However, prolonged high fever increases the body's need for oxygen, water and energy, leading to dehydration and exhaustion, inhibits immune responses. In general moderate fever (up to 38°C degrees Celsius or 100.4°F degrees Fahrenheit) can be left without medication. At temperatures above 38.5°C or 101.3°F antipyretics are recommended.

What is considered fever?
  • Normal child’s temperature is 36.6 – 37.5°C (degrees Celsius) or 98– 99.5°F (degrees Fahrenheit). This is due to the immaturity of thermoregulatory activity of hormones and variable during the whole day - usually in the morning the temperature is lower by about half a degree than in the evening.
  • Feverishness - 37.6 - 38°C or 99.7 – 100.4°F
  • Mild fever - 38.1 - 39°C or 100.6 - 102.2°F
  • High fever - above 39°C or 102.2°F
How to measure temperature?
The temperature can be measured in several ways: in the rectum, forehead, ear or mouth. 
  • In-ear, infrared thermometers are very comfortable. You insert it into a child's ear. The result is shown in seconds and it is very accurate, because the eardrum is the same heat storage, which thermoregulatory center in the brain. 
  • Other, less stressful is a soother thermometer which you place into a child’s mouth. It looks like a normal Teether, but the silicone parts have sensors which measure the temperature. 
  • You can also use an electronic thermometer which you insert into a child’s rectum. You position a child on the side or tummy.  Lubricate the tip of the thermometer in a baby fat cream and gently slide it into the anus.  You will get a result after 30 seconds. If the child starts to kick his legs or tightens buttocks remove the thermometer - the tip of the thermometer can damage the anal area. 
  • Doctors advise not to use the forehead strips, since they can not guarantee the correct measurement.
What are homemade ways to decrease fever?
  • One home made way is a bath in cool water, 2 degrees lower than the body temperature not to cause a thermal shock.
  • Another home made way is to put on your child’s feet soaked in cold water, wool, thick socks, and then wrap the feet with a towel and cover with a blanket or quilt. After a few minutes the temperature of the body will definitely be significantly reduced - the treatment can be repeated after one hour.
  • In Addition you can always put cool compresses on the face, neck and calves changing them every quarter.
What are fever-lowering drugs, dosage and how often give it to the child?
In the pharmacy you can find lot of different types of lowering the body temperature, antipyretic drugs. They are based ether on:
Acetaminophen, an active ingredient of Tylenol or
Ibuprofen, an active ingredient of Motrin. 
Why do we need to watch for high temperature?
  • Prolonged high fever increases the body's need for oxygen, water and energy, leading to dehydration and exhaustion, inhibits immune responses. High temperature increases heart rate (increase in body temperature by 1°C increases the number of heart beats per minute to 10) and courses the lungs dry and fatigue (increased water loss occurs through rapid breathing).
  • Besides that, high temperature can cause a febrile seizure and result in brain damage.  Febrile seizures are rhythmic muscle contractions, which usually lasts a few minutes, sometimes with loss of consciousness. Febrile seizure is the nervous system reaction to the rapidly increasing temperature.   In the attack of febrile seizures call a doctor as soon as possible. While waiting, place the child on his side and loosen his clothes. Enter antipyretic drug in suppository (liquid medications are excluded, since the parson with seizure could choke on). After the seizure incident the child should receive an EEG neurological examination to rule out brain damage.
How to comfort a child?
  • Initially, when the temperature rises, your child should be well covered. However when the temperature is stable there is no need to tuck the child as this could lead to overheating. 
  • Dress the child lightly and periodically check if the child is sweating - wet clothes need to be changed immediately. 
  • A fever child has no appetite so do not force food. Nevertheless the child should be well hydrated. If you are breastfeeding, frequently bring a little one for a short time. If the child drinks from a bottle, give a drink regularly, in small portions, preferably boiled water or fruit juices diluted with water (pure juices contain too much sugar).
  • The room should not be too hot (optimum temperature is 20 - 22°C or 68 - 71.5°F) and not too dry. If you do not have a special humidifier, hang a wet towel on the radiator. 
When to call a doctor?
You are advised to call a doctor whenever baby’s temperature is higher than 38°C or 100.4°F, and toddler’s or older child’s - above 39 º C or 102.2°F. 
The indications for immediate medical calls are also:
  • desperate cry baby, especially when touching and cuddling
  • trouble breathing
  • stiff neck, and the resistance when trying to attract the head to the chest
  • red spots on the skin
  • febrile seizures
  • diarrhea or vomiting
  • weakness, drowsiness or strong agitation
  • disorders of consciousness (e.g. hallucinations, hallucinations, anxiety)
  • dehydration - a child cries without tears, urine is dark yellow the color, eye sockets are sunken, the mouth does not have saliva.

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