
Friday, January 31, 2014

Autism Spectrum Disorders - Resources

Autism Spectrum Disorders

A collection of resources after Judith Maginnis Kuster

·   Symbol World ( - a monthly magazine, stories, recipes, etc. for symbol readers
·   Facial Expressions ( from DoToLearn.
·   Expressioncards ( from SEN Teacher free printables (
·   Emotions dice ( from SEN Teacher free printables (
·   Make Beliefs Comix (
·   Beyond Autism Pecs Pictures andIcons (
·   Picture Recipes ( from Bry-Back Manor (
·   Autism Help (  ), printable files, including Behavioral Profile Checklist.
·   Social Stories
o  Social Stories ( ) - Teaching Children with Autism.
o  Anatomyof A Conversation: Social Scripts Suggested Conversational Messages ( by Linda J. Burkhart and Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite
o  Sample Sequence social Sctrips ( ) by Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite
o  SocialStories, ( written by Meredyth Goldberg Edelson is for working with people with autism.
·   ABA Educational Recourses ( ) provides many free downloads including Thematic Token Economy Boards
·   Tin Snips ( ) - a special education resource that includes worksheets and activities for students with autistic spectrum disorders
·   Ridgit Resources ( ) - symbol-supported learning materials and symbol stories
·   Children with Special Needs – Downloads (  ) is a treasure chest of materials compressed (.zip) and in .pdf format, including Picturesymbol downloads, McDonald's menus, action pictures and MORE (
·   Tipsfor Teaching High Functioning People With Autism ( by Susan Moreno and Carol O'Neal
·   Pragmatic language tips ( from ASHA
Printable PictureGroupings (

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