
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Speech Sound Disorders - Resources

A collection of resources after Judith Maginnis Kuster

·   InteractiveSagittal Section by Daniel Currie Hall, "displays mid-sagittal sections and IPA transcriptions for user-specified articulations." Can be used to demonstrate place of articulation. (
·   QUIA ( - check especially early learning and speech - is now subscription-based for a fee. But some treasures can still be accessed without "joining."
o  articulation games ( by Tracy Gefroh Boyd
o  Speechers are GreatTeachers ( by Lonn Swanson
o  Speech-Language online games! by Pamela Bordas. (
o  Articulation and PhonologyGames by Lonn Swanson
·   Articulation Therapy Ideas ( from the Grndrnds archive
·   A Collection ofApproaches to the "R" Sound (
·   A Collection ofApproaches to the "S" Sound (
·   The Sounds of English and Spanish - from the University of Iowa (
·   Various worksheets and printables from ( - a subscription site with freely-available samples
·  Caroline Bowen provides free worksheets, handouts, pictures and words in PDF files for the following:
o  Useful lists of words of picturable minimal pairs
o  Minimal Pairs Pictures work sheets for /f/ vs. /s/; /k/ vs. /t/; and /w/ vs. /l/
o  Revisions and Repairs for /f/ vs. /w/; /f/ vs. /p/; /s/ vs. /h/; /k/ and /g/ vs. /t/ and /d/; Interdental /s/ and /z/, /sn/ vs. /n/; Vowels: "er" vs. "or"; Vowels: "e" vs. "u"; Weak Syllable Deletion; Final Consonant Deletion; Gliding /l/
o  Words and Pictures worksheets for /l/, /s/, "ch", /f/, and polysyllables
·   Articulation activities ( from Jennifer Mitchell.
·   Visualarticulationlesson plan by Thomas G. Schultz (
·   Carryover ActivitiesFor Speech Sound Production Practice (
·   Learning activitiesfor preK-1st grade kids (and their parents) for speech sounds. (
·   Working on Specific Speech Sounds from HelpFor Kids (
o  DSound (
o  FSound (
o  GSound (
o  HSound (
o  KSound (
o  MSound (
o  PSound (
o  ZSound (
o  WSound (
·   Various worksheets and printables of Consonant Sounds from ( - a subscription site with freely-available samples
o  /b/ sound as in bonfire, black, bathtub, and balcony (
o  /d/ sound as in dry, draw, design, and duet (
o  /f/ sound as in fossil, fail, frame, and fingerprint (
o  /g/ sound as in greeting, grill, goose, and grapefruit (
o  /h/ sound as in hail, hieroglyphics, hostage, and hit (
o  /k/ sound as in key, knock, kangaroo, and kayak (
o  /l/ sound as in lizard, learn, lamp, and library (
o  /m/ sound as in mug, money, maze, and mechanical (
o  /n/ sound as in night, newspaper, nightmare, and noodle (
o  /p/ sound as in panda, pie, pen, and potato (
o  /r/ sound as in rose, restaurant, run, and reporter (
o  /s/ sound as in safe, sunset, sand, and seat (
o  /t/ sound as in tile, thermometer, tongue, and toy (
o  /v/ sound as in violin, volcano, vaccination, and vote (
o  /w/ sound as in waterfall, wagon, windmill, and watch (
o  /j/ sound as in yoke, yawn, yacht, and yoga (
o  /z/ sound as in zebra, zoo, and zipper (
o  "ch" sound as in watch, chick, chimpanzee, and champion (
o  "j" sound as in magician, syringe, jeep, and message (
o  "sh" sound as in shore, shipwreck, shark, and shield (
o  "zh" sound as in measure, camouflage, treasure, and mirage (
o  "th" sound as in athlete, toothbrush, bathtub, and thunderstorm (
o  "ng" sound as in fang, boomerang, fingerprint, and ink (
o  /e/ sound as in snail, ache, explain, and reindeer (
o  /i/ sound as in needle, pianist, and electricity (
o  "ai" sound as in cry, tightrope, tile, and violin (
o  /o/ sound as in domino, ghost, pillow, and stethoscope (
o  /u/ sound as in salute, toothbrush, goose, and costume (
o  a sound as in taxi, anniversary, laboratory, and tackle (
o  "eh" sound as in elevator, jellyfish, pentagon, and dentist (
o  /I/ sound as in gift, inflate, spinach, and cereal (
o  "ah" sound as in camouflage, garage, chop, and binoculars (
o  "ER" sound as in currency, curtain, and turtle (
o  "er" sound as in spider, certificate, and beaver (
o  "aw" sound as in observatory, author, orchard, and baseball (
o  "oy" sound as in boil, poison, toilet, and annoy (
o  "ow" sound as in lighthouse, cow, flower, and fountain (
o  "uw" sound as in pulley, platypus, pull, and football (
·   phonemic awarenessat-home activities for parents (
· ( - spelling, vocabulary, Language Arts Worksheets, Reading Comprehension , Phonics Section with Printables and Worksheets.
·   Phonologicaland Phonemic Awareness ( by Jenny Lowrie
·   Specifically related to Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Child apraxia therapyideas ( gleaned from mailing lists and elsewhere

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