
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma

CT-CL Overview

Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma Treatment: The Old and the New

The lymphatic system removes excess fluid from the body's tissues and returns it to the circulatory system. It also helps the body fight infections. It consists of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and associated organs such as the spleen and tonsils. Lymph vessels form a network of tubes that reach all over the body.
Lymph capillaries are tiny thin-walled vessels that are located in the spaces between cells throughout the body. They collect excess fluid from cells and recycle it for use in the circulatory system.

A lymph node is a small organ of the immune system. They link lymph vessels together and are found throughout the body. Their main function is to filter lymph and to remove foreign particles that might cause infections.

Our immune system protects the body against disease by killing infectious particles and tumor cells. The most common response is to send antigens to fight the cells that might cause disease.

Damaged skin is defined by extensive cracking of skin surface. It can leave the skin open to infection.

The body responds to skin damage by using white blood cells to destroy any particles that might cause infection.

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