
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hiking an Indian Head Mountain Range, Catskills

Indian Head Mountain Range, Catskills

Last Sunday we climbed Indian Head in the Catskills. It was a great day, hot but very pleasant in a shade of the trees and comfortable enough to face the real challenge.

Indian Head Mountain hike is a part of the Devil's Path. In the guides it is written that the Devil's Path is one of the most difficult and dangerous hiking paths in the world. There is a good reason why they call it the Devil's Path. The most difficult part of the path is a 30-50 foot vertical climb up a nearly shear cliff. We parked on Prediger Road and did the Devil's Path / Jimmy Dolan loop from there. Trails show signs of a lot of care with much evidence of stone work and corduroy over the many wet patches. There were a couple of blow down trees across the trails which were not always easy to bypass. We had to use small tree roots to be able to climb up. My husband and daughter made it up to the top with no complaints, and the views from the overlooks were spectacular. We detoured to Jimmy Dolan's notch by following the herd trail behind the sign and enjoyed the view from there too. Decent from there was nice and easy.
Hiking in Indian Head, Catskills 2014
Rout info:
Total loop length = 6.0 miles
Summit Only Via Devils Path = 3.3 miles One Way
Elevation gain = 1,700’
 Spectacular Flora and Fauna, Catskills 2014
The flora and fauna was truly spectacular. We had a chance to see a white tailed deer from a very close distance. Fortunately we haven’t come across  with a black bear. Basia created a journal of animals and insects she saw.  
Spectacular Flora and Fauna, Catskills 2014
I highly recommend the hike.

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