
Monday, May 11, 2015

All The Flowers of Tomorrow Are In The Seeds of Today

It’s an Indian proverb.
What we enjoy tomorrow is a result of how we start today, so whatever we put in now - study, work, kindness, money - will have positive results in the future.
Every seed needs time to grow, so we need to plant your hopes and dreams now, and be patient but also remain  focused. When it comes to planting seeds that invest in our children’s future the right time and the right season is now. That’s the only time we really have. We could wait until tomorrow but for some that time never comes. So, don’t procrastinate.
Choose carefully what to reap:
The fulfillment of your dreams and aspirations for our children are dependent on what we are planting now and what has been planted in the past. Do you want to reap happier child? Successful at school? With great self-esteem? Social with friends? Healthy and fit? Then you need to be active planting your seeds by helping your child to be more independent, interested in reading, being curious, opened for challenges, healthy eating and living.
If you plant sparingly you will reap sparingly:
Not every seed you plant will produce fruit so don’t be stingy when you plant. By all means be focused. Don’t be deterred if your plans don’t succeed at first. ‘Perseverance’ – an old-fashioned and underused word is key to the success. It is the metal that under-girded the great inventors, scientists, entrepreneurs and trailblazers of the past and reaped benefits that we still enjoy today.
Take care of weeds and contamination:
Don’t be deterred if your plans don’t turn out exactly how you imagined they would. We are not living in a perfect world so expect to encounter winds of adversity that blow weeds into our field. If it’s within our power to remove them then we should do so. Weeds may come in the form of bad relationships or dead-end scenarios. Weeds choke our dreams and desires and can easily prevent us from reaping a successful and fulfilling future. If it’s not within your power to keep these weeds out of our life then we should seek advice or help so that can move on. 
Water what you planted:
Whatever you have planted and set into motion you must be willing to follow through. Don’t be contented because you have started the process – you need to finish it. Continue your work happily, wisely and patiently. 
Spring is a perfect time to “cultivate” our skills through active learning... to be continued.

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