
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Merry Your Family Holiday Spirit Riding the New York SeaGlass Carousel

The SeaGlass Carousel located in Downtown Manhattan stands apart from a dozen carousels set up in New York. It was designed by a top-notch creative team, WXY Architecture and George Tsypin and cost more than $16 million to buildThis custom-designed ride is placed in the original historical home of the New York Aquarium . 
SeaGlass Carousel, NYC 2015
Instead of horses riders step into 13 feet tall, dazzling fish that seem to swim inside a giant shell-shaped pavilion. Each fish pod has its own speaker and the soundtrack is synced to a colorful illuminations. Glowing lights, soothing classical music and aquatic sound effects complete the virtual underwater experience. As you glide, you get a sense of what it's like to be a fish. The carousel delights riders of all ages.
Basia on SeaGlass Carousel, NYC 2015
Overall impression is an eye-popping experience that is as fun to watch as to ride.
Basia on SeaGlass Carousel, NYC 2015

After your ride, stay around and explore the Battery Park. Enjoy a stroll down the Woodland Gardens surrounding the carousel. There's an awesome spiral fountain, views of the Statue of Liberty from the waterfrontpromenade and the historic Castle Clinton.
Basia with Mom, 2015
For a meal, skip the expensive Battery GardensRestaurant and Table Green concessions and head inland.
You can eat at the iconic FrauncesTavern and then visitiedthe museum upstairs. While you are there it is worthy to explore another fun venue like the ImaginationPlayground and the South Street Seaport  with its own museum. 
If you head further north into the heart of the Financial District, you'll find lotsof inexpensive, kid-friendly eats, including at nearby Brookfield Place, home to an indoor food court. Check also TheSkyscraper Museum, Museumof Jewish Heritage and 9/11 Memorial .

Take in a little bit of history and make a fun day in Lower Manhattan. 

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