
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Writing Stories by Kids

Writing stories is an activity which children learn early and practice often at home or at school. Some of the kids try it out  independently and passionately in their free time. 
That is principally my daughter’s case. She has been creating books since she was able to hold a pencil, first by scribbling, then drawing and now by writing down her interesting thoughts and point of views along with beautiful and often very sophisticated illustrations. She has been writing down almost everything, diary, logs, letters, instructions, recipes, comments, reviews, blurbs and obviously - plenty interesting and inspiring stories.
Click on the titles to check
The Little Brute story by 5.5 years old Basia
Worry Dolls instructions how to make a doll by 6 years old Basia
A Jewel Story Review by 6.5 years old Basia
We all know that by creating and telling stories, children learn to organize their thoughts and use written language to share ideas, express their emotions and to communicate with readers. 
Never the less as much fun as it can be, we ought to remember that writing stories can appear as a truly challenging task for children. 

  • Familiarizing our child with how authors create stories;
  • Teaching what the different parts of a story are;
  • Introducing visual or written prompts that inspire the child to think of story ideas;
  • Encouraging our kid to plan before starting to write
... parents can help their child to make a complete and imaginative story.

Why is writing important?
Story Writing Tips for Kids  
Story Starters
50 Creative Writing Topics for kids
Story Writing Game for Kids

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