
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

"Spiraling into Art and Nature" - Nurture Your Child Interest

Spiraling into Art and Nature by John Edmark, March 2016
Once again to follow our child's interest we participated in a family class “Spiraling into Art and Nature” organized by and at The MoMath Museum, New York  where
JohnEdmark presented and shared his outstanding ideas with the curious kids and their snooping parents.
Basia with Peter at The MoMath Museum, New York, March 2016
“Why do we see spirals so often in the world around us?  What is so singular about their geometry that makes them recur in many contexts? by The MoMath Museum, New York
John Edmark, inventor, artist, and professor of design at Stanford University, guided participants in constructing their own spirals, following the hidden recipes that nature uses in creating pinecones, artichokes, pineapples, and more.  Along the way, he presented the subtle connections between these spirals, the Fibonacci series, and the golden ratio.  Kids and the parents could share in the beauty that has catapulted Prof. Edmark's latest video, "Blooms: Strobe-Animated Sculptures." See below.
Blooms: Strobe-Animated Sculptures
"From Their Studios" with artist John Edmark

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