
Sunday, April 24, 2016

400 Years of Shakespeare and Literacy

 Drawing by 8 y.o. BP, 2016

For 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare 
check Peck Slip School kids' favorite rapper MC Lars:
"The hip-hop of Shakespeare: MC Lars at TEDxUSC"
"The Hip-Hop of Shakespeare" MC Lars

Monday, April 18, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Roald Dahl - My Favorite Author's Biography

Click the link to read "Roald Dahl's Story" by BP
Basia submitted her story to
and stays tuned for Winners.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Plant a Tree on The Earth Day, April 22, 2016

Nature, Sculpture by PP, April 2016
Earth Day aims to inspire awareness of and appreciation for earth's environment, to promote ecology and respect for life on our planet as well as to encourage consciousness of the growing problems of air, water and soil pollution.

My haikus

“The Earth Day isn't just
A single day of the year
It is every day.”

“Plant one tree or more
On the Earth Day and watch them
Grow with your children.”

Haiku - non-rhyming poem that follows a particular structure:
five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.

This exquisite form comes out of Japan, where it is traditional to write about nature.

 Nature, Sculpture by BP, April 2016

  • “Our planet is currently losing over 15 Billion trees each year (equivalent to 48 football fields every minute).
  • Planting trees absorb excess and harmful CO2 from our atmosphere.
  • In a single year, it takes roughly 96 trees to absorb the amount of CO2 produced by one person.
  • Trees also absorb odors and pollutant gases like nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone, as well as filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark.
  • Studies have shown that schools with tree cover have reduced asthma and lung disease rates and help students with ADHD concentrate for longer periods...”
Read more at: 

 Nature, Sculpture by Urszula Glogowska, April 2016

Plan Your Earth Day:

Parenting: 9 ways to celebrate Earth Day as a family

EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency action and ideas:

Earth Day with Mud Coffee and Exit9 and Gift Emporium

Earth Day New York 2016
SUN, APR 17 AT 12:00 PM, NYC, NY

Visit Wave Hill Public Garden & Cultural Center, Bronx, NY for the family projects and nature walk
Family Project

Earth Day 2017 falls on Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Hoarse Voice in Children

Chronic voice disorders are quite common in children. 4-6 out of 100 children have a voice disorder. Most of them are harmless and caused by excessive shouting, loud talking or by common childhood infections. The child's voice may sound harsh, hoarse or be 'lost' entirely. If it happens encourage your child to 'rest' his voice by not talking loudly or shouting and keeping his throat moist by frequently sipping on fluids (especially after an infection).
We must remember that in any concerns about our child's voice we should see a local doctor first and if necessary, contact a specialist - otolaryngologist for an advice or laryngoscopy.
What is 'voice'?
Voice is the sound produced by the vocalfolds in the larynx (voice box).
The vocal folds are thin muscle bands which open to let the air in and out of the lungs during breathing. They close to produce vibrations (sound) used for speaking. You can feel the sound vibrations if you gently rest your hand at the front of your neck and say the sound 'aaaaaah'
This sound is then modified by the movement of the lips, tongue, jaw and palate to produce speech.
 A. Muscles and nerves. Posterior view. Pink, mucosa.
 B. Interior of the larynx. Posterior view.
C. Skeleton and ligaments(elastic tissues) of the larynx. Superior view.

Features of the human voice:
  • Pitch - can vary between high and low during speech.
  • Volume - can vary between loud and soft. Loudness during speech varies to show emphasis and emotion.
  • Quality is what the voice sounds like: clear, croaky, strained, hoarse, breathy or rough.
  • Resonance - some children may sound like they are speaking through a blocked nose (hyponasal) while other children may sound like they have too much air coming down the nose during speech (hypernasal).
What is a voice disorder?
A voice disorder is when the quality of a person's voice is noticeably different to that of others their age and sex, for example, when a person has harsh or hoarse voices or too high or low, too loud or too nasal. People with voice disorders often complain that their voices tire easily or that they have difficulty projecting their voice. A poor voice quality may make it hard to communicate effectively and in consequence cause loss of self-confidence. 
Most voice disorders are harmless and disappear on their own or with professional help. Encourage your child to 'rest' his voice by not talking loudly or shouting and keeping his throat moist by frequently sipping on fluids (especially after an infection).
Your child may need an assessment by a specialist doctor (otolaryngologist) and a speech pathologist if they have a hoarse or weak voice that is getting worse or not getting better.
Some voice disorders need surgery although this is uncommon. 
A. Normal respiration B. Forced Inspiration C. Phonation

What causes a voice disorder?
  • Talking or shouting loudly
  • Talking or shouting excessively
  • Common childhood infections
  • Some problems may be related to how a child is feeling emotionally or psychologically.
  • There are some rare medical conditions. 
Causes of Hoarsevoice in children in the general population:
Common causes of hoarseness in children
  • InfectionsA hoarse voice often occurs when a child has a virus infection such as a cold or Laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx / vocal cords). The hoarseness resulting from a viral infection is temporary and usually disappears when the infection clears. Encourage your child to frequently sip fluids and rest their voice until they get better. 
  • Reflux(Laryngopharyngeal reflux) is thought to be a cause of some children's voice problems. At this stage there is not enough evidence to suggest this is the case. 
  • Vocal Nodules / Cysts / PolypsThese are known as benign lesions of the vocal folds which involve a thickening of the lining of the vocal fold. They are caused by tissue 'stress' during excessive voice use such as screaming or prolonged loud talking or crying. 
The most common treatment for a hoarse voice associated with benign vocal fold lesions in childhood is voice therapy. Voice therapy is based on voice care education and training. This involves your child, their family and their social and educational environment, such as a school.
 Some lesions may require surgical removal. 

Uncommon causes of hoarseness in children 
  • Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP)This is a viral infection caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) which results in wart like growths on the vocal folds. A child with this condition often has a very hoarse and harsh sounding voice. Breathing problems may occur if the growths obstruct the breathing passage. Treatment for RRP is medical and surgical and usually managed by an Otolaryngologist. 
  • Tumours / CancersThese are extremely rare in children but any persistent voice problem or breathing problems should be investigated by an Otolaryngologist, especially if they are getting worse. 
  • A Hemangioma (an abnormal collection of blood vessels) - It is an example of benign (not cancerous) tumour which is usually detected in young babies and associated with an abnormal cry. 
  • Weak voiceA weak voice is often the result of poor vocal fold movement or incomplete closure of the vocal folds during speech.Neurological causessuch asvocal fold paralysis or non-neurological causes such as laryngeal stenosis (narrowing of the larynx) are associated with a weak voice. For example, children who are born very premature and have long term intubation (breathing tube) through the larynx (throat) to help them breathe are at risk of long term voice problems. Children with poor vocal fold movement generally have difficulty raising their voices and being heard over background noise. This can be quite frustrating for the child and adolescent. 
  • There are some surgical procedures which are used to correct vocal fold paralysis in adults but these are not commonly done for children. Voice therapy is sometimes used for children with weak voices and may help your child achieve optimum voice volume and quality. It teaches your child different ways to communicate effectively with others without straining their voice. 
  • Abnormal sounding cry or noisy breathing in infants. 
  • When an infant's cry is weak or has a harsh or hoarse quality it needs to be assessed by an Otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat doctor). Certain medical conditions can be associated with noisy breathing (stridor) in infants. 
  • Laryngomalacia (floppy larynx) - It is a common which causes noisy breathing in infants. It generally resolves by itself by the second year of life without any long term voice problems. Your child will be closely monitored by doctors to make sure they are breathing well. If the condition is severe an operation may be necessary. 
See my other related posts:
Voice – Medical Conditions that Can Cause Voice Problems

Check for more information: