
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fascination with Andrew Clements’ Books

Andrew Clements’ website
Basia created a  poster to a future movie inspired by “Lunch Money” book.
She said: 
"I like the idea thst kids can make money and sometimes I am like Greg in a way because I am careful with spending and big at earning."  
“Lunch Money” by Andrew Clements

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Cricket in Times Square

Old but new to the young readers.
Review with table of contents 
Summery study guide
Lesson PDF

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Day – Understand, Pay Honor and Respect

Since 1918, this country has set aside a day to celebrate the heroism and dedication of those who have worn the uniform: those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, those who have come home in one piece but have sacrificed time away from family and friends, and those who have left a piece of their soul on some distant battleground.  Tomorrow is that day.  In honoring them, remember that in WWII, a fight for the very survival of democracy, more than 400,000 Americans never came home. 

My daughter just finish a book about World War I, a dog Stubby and his friendship with the American soldiers, particularly Conroy. The true story moves back to the front and tells lots about the fighting method, weapon, unpredictable life and hard conditions the soldiers had to face. Check Basia's recommendation of “Dog Diaries, Stubby” by Kate Klimo.

 Recommendation by BP, 2016
  Recommendation by BP, 2016

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

DOE Expectations for Speech and Language Evaluations

The Department of Education held a meeting for speech evaluators and their referring agencies at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year regarding current best practices for evaluating students.
Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the guidance document as it provides clear expectations for Speech and Language evaluations and should be used as a template.

As we know, it is the goal of the Department of Education Office of Assessments to provide quality assessments in a timely fashion. I hope that these shared documents are useful and helpful in evaluating students.

The following documents are attached:
Speech Evaluation Guidance Document
Evaluation rubric monolingual 8-6-16
Evaluation rubric bilingual 8-6-16
Quality IEP Development
Reasons for Revisions

Speech Evaluation Template - and - Samples