
Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Day – Understand, Pay Honor and Respect

Since 1918, this country has set aside a day to celebrate the heroism and dedication of those who have worn the uniform: those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, those who have come home in one piece but have sacrificed time away from family and friends, and those who have left a piece of their soul on some distant battleground.  Tomorrow is that day.  In honoring them, remember that in WWII, a fight for the very survival of democracy, more than 400,000 Americans never came home. 

My daughter just finish a book about World War I, a dog Stubby and his friendship with the American soldiers, particularly Conroy. The true story moves back to the front and tells lots about the fighting method, weapon, unpredictable life and hard conditions the soldiers had to face. Check Basia's recommendation of “Dog Diaries, Stubby” by Kate Klimo.

 Recommendation by BP, 2016
  Recommendation by BP, 2016

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