
Saturday, April 1, 2017

April – National Poetry Month

Made By BP, 2017

National Poetry Month is a celebration of poetry introduced in 1996 and organized by the Academy of American Poets as a way to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry in the United States. 1998, National Poetry Month has also been celebrated each April in Canada.
Poems from "I've lost my hippopotamus" by Jack Prelutsky

During 30 days of April we can celebrate the joy, expressiveness, and pure delight of poetry.

Check links for children:
Suggestions from The Academy of American Poets' website 
  1. Order a free National Poetry Month poster and display it at work or school.
  2. Sign up for Poem-a-Day and read a poem each morning.
  3. Sign up for TeachThis Poem, a weekly series for teachers.
  4. Memorizea poem.
  5. Createan anthology of your favorite poems on
  6. Encourage a young person to participate in the DearPoet project.
  7. Buy a book of poetry from your local bookstore.
  8. Review these concrete examples of howpoetry matters in the United States today.
  9. Learn more about poetsand poetry events in your state.
  10. Ask your governor or mayor for a proclamation in support of National Poetry Month.
  11. Attend a poetry reading at a local university, bookstore, cafe, or library.
  12. Read a poem at an open mic. It’s a great way to meet other writers in your area and find out about your local poetry writing community.
  13. Start a poetryreading group.
  14. Write an exquisitecorpse poem with friends.
  15. Chalka poem on the sidewalk.
  16. Deepen your daily experience by reading EdwardHirsch’s essay “Howto Read a Poem.”
  17. Ask the United States Post Office to issuemore stamps celebrating poets.
  18. Recreate a poet’s favorite food or drink by followinghis or her recipe.
  19. Read about differentpoetic forms.
  20. Read about poems titled “poem.”
  21. Watch a poetrymovie.
  22. Subscribe to AmericanPoets magazine or a small press poetry journal.
  23. Watch Rachel Eliza Griffiths’s P.O.P (Poets on Poetry) videos.
  24. Watch or read Carolyn Forche’s talk “NotPersuasion, But Transport: The Poetry of Witness.”
  25. Read or listen to MarkDoty’s talk “Tideof Voices: Why Poetry Matters Now.”
  26. Read AllenGinsberg’s classicessay about Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass.”
  27. Celebrate Poemin Your Pocket Day today! The idea is simple: select a poem you love, carry it with you, then share it with coworkers, family, and friends.
  28. Sign up for a poetry class or workshop.
  29. Get ready for Mother’s Day by makinga card featuring a lineof poetry.
  30. Read the first chapter of MurielRukeyer’s inspiring book TheLife of Poetry.

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