
Thursday, July 6, 2017

How to Keep Your Child’s Academic Skills up Over the Summer

Encourage Leisure Reading:
Take advantage of the summer months, read together or give your child time every day to do so. Minimum 30 minutes a day. Ask variety of questions about a book your child is reading.
Go to the local library or bookstore and let your child pick out books that he/she wants to read. Giving choices will reinforce that reading is fun.
Basia, 2017
Participate in Reading Challenge or Project:
Let make a child promise to him/herself. (Suggestion after Mrs. Scott, librarian from Queen’s Gate School, set a challenge for her pupils. 

In addition to books of my own choosing
I pledge to read the following:
(Please choose at least 5)
A book published this year
A book you can finish in a day
A book you have been meaning to read
A book recommended by the teacher
A book chosen for you by your parent/family member
A book published before you were born
A book that you previously abandoned
A book you own but have never read
A non-fission book
A book that has won a prize
A book by a foreign author

Or Read-a-Thon project which provides kids with age appropriate book list. The book list has just right books, downhill (a little easier) and uphill (a little more challenging).
Basia reading on a ferry, 2017
Continue On-line Web-practice:
My daughter has been using - innovative online math and reading exercises for kids.  A beauty of web exercises is that your child can take them with him/her wherever you travel and access anytime that’s convenient. Any other preferable by child website is good.

Encourage Writing:
Use a notebooks as a summer journal.
Mu daughter's challenge:

Dear Basia,
You have come so far as a writer this year…keep it up!!
Write 2-3 entries per week; that’s 16-24 entries for the summer.
Remember! Each entry must:
-        Have a date at the top.
-        Be written in paragraphs/any other appropriate structure.
-        Feel up at least one page of writing.
-        Have appropriate capitalization/punctuation.
·       Optional: pictures (drawn or photos.)
You can use your book to write diary entries, fiction stories, research notes, plays, interviews, chapters, letters, book reviews…
Bring your book during the first week of 5th grade and earn an invitation to a special party. You will have a chance to hang out with old friends, eat delicious food, and share your writing, Have fun!
Victoria and Sarah
Summer journal decorated by Basia, 2017
 3rd entree, 2017
Keep a Summer Routine:
Even though your child may not be getting up as early as he/she would during the school year, make sure he/she gets plenty of rest and wakes up at the same time each day. Further, keep a schedule that is fairly consistent from day to day, meals, sports, and any other regular activity should take place around the same time each day. 
Summer in Manhattan can be fun, Basia 2017
Find Time for Social Interaction:
Make sure your child has opportunity to interact with other children his/her age. If a day or away camp is not possible make regular play-dates with his/her closest friends. This will help your child enter school confident and eager to spend time with the other children in her class.
Basia hanging out with friends, 2017

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