
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Persistence, Passion and Perseverance - Keys to Victory

Persistence is all about turning up and taking constant action. Persistence comes easy with passion.
Passion is loving what you do. 
Perseverance is dedication in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Basia mastering Rubik's cube, 2017

Not that you should persist in every case. Sometimes we hold on too long. Studies have shown that when people pursue an unobtainable goal they get stressed out and sick.
Before you decide to go through, look at where you are at and where you are heading. This will help you to see the reality while believing things will still work out. It will let you to shift and adapt and change your goal, if needed. To achieve it is the most important.
Persistence, keeps you on track until you reach your goal.
It’s a simple concept – keep going until you get there. But, we make it so much harder than that. We struggle, we question and fight, we battle to achieve our goals. Sure, there’s adversity and challenge in life, but most of the struggle against success is because we persist at the wrong things.
If you’re passionate about what you are doing, if your goal aligns with your deeper values and desires it isn’t all that hard to keep going. There isn’t a whole lot of fight. You know you’re on the right path, so you persist and take inspired action every day toward what you most want.
If things are feeling hard. If life feels a little slow and dull and thongs aren’t that motivating, assess whether your daily goals are– or the things you feel obligated to do – match up with the things that matter most to you.
By discovering the discrepancies between how you spend your time and how you want to spend your time – you can find ways to align your desires with your actions. This will allow you to spend some time on your passions and purpose each day and that infuses your life with energy. Persistence, is just a by-product of that.

Benjamin Franklin said: Energy and persistence conquer all things.
The power to keep going will conquer all other obstacles.

If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Some days the actions you take will be big, other days your best will be very little, but keep moving forward to persevere and succeed.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Good Book – “Out of My Mind” by Sharon Draper – Melody a Girl with Cerebral Palsy

The book that can change your understanding for those people who have disabilities, who are on wheelchairs, who have Cerebral Palsy, who can’t move, who can’t speak, express own needs or feelings.

Unique Dolls just like Melody by Polish Artist - Renata Gołaszewska-Adamczyk

Great Writer - Jennifer L. Holm

JenniferL. Holm is an American kids writer who received numerous awards and honors.

2000 for Our Only May Amelia Our Only May Amelia
2011 for Turtle in Paradise
2011 Golden Kite Award for Turtle in Paradise
2013 Eisner Award for Best Publication for Early Readers for Babymouse for President
2014 California Book Awards Gold Medal Juvenile winner for The Fourteenth Goldfish
2015 E. B. White Read Aloud Award for The Fourteenth Goldfish

She is famous not only for her standalone but also for graphic novels and numerous series.

Visit Jennifer L. Holm web 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Decision-Making about Feeding in Patients with Dementia

Feeding problems are very common in patients with dementia.
Useful materials to learn about feeding options, what decision to make and why you can find in:
And related video: 
Please also check “Patient Aid Summery”

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

American Holidays - Thanksgiving and Christmas from Grace Lin Perspective

Thank you all for visiting my blog!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Decoration made by Basia P, 2017

"American Holidays the Chinese Way" from 
"The Year of the Dog" by Grace Lin 

Merry Christmas!
Tree Decorated by Basia P, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Great Writer and Illustrator - Grace Lin

Basia said to me: 
Mom! The books are soooo gooood! You have to read them.

Basia with Friends
Dragon -Art By Basia P

Basia’s favorite award-winning and bestselling novels by Grace Lin are:
(in order from the most preferred)

“Where the Mountain Meets the Moon”
“Starry River of the Sky”
“When the Sea Turned to Silver”
 “The Year of the Dog”
“The Year of the Rat”
“Dumpling Days”

I quote Grace Lin’s statement:

“I'm a children's book author and illustrator which means 
my secret life is full of drama, intrigue, adventure...
and fuzzy bunny slippers. 
More about me at: 
My personal blog

Also check her Press Kit 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Book Character Questionnaire

Basia interviewing her character Matilda, 2017

When creating a character questionnaire ask variety of
what, where, when, why, who, whom, how, if, do questions.

They can be basic, such as:
  1. What’s your name or nickname?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Where do you live and with whom?
  4. Do you have a family and who they are?
  5. What do you want to be when you grew up?
Or more specific, for example:
  1. What do you like to wear?
  2. How do you like to socialize with?
  3. What was your first best friend like?
  4. What do you do when you are bored?
  5. What makes you laugh?
  6. What annoys you?
  7. What music do you listen to?
  8. What season do you enjoy most?
  9. Are you a dog or a cat person?
  10. Do you consider yourself an active or passive person and explain why?
  11. What are their long term goals?
  12. What are their short term goals?
  13. What scares you?
  14. What is the one word you would use to define you?
  15. What are you most proud of?
  16. What do you find embarrassing?
They can be deeper, let’s say:
  1. What do you feel most passionately about?
  2. Are you a leader or a follower, explain why and give an example?
  3. What trait do you find most admirable in others?
  4. Do you want a job that helps people or a job that makes money?
  5. If you were to come into money what would you do with it?
  6. If you could have lived in another decade which would it have been?
Some questions can require to use imagination, like:
  1. Imagine you are doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for you to throw out? What is difficult for you to part with? Why?
  2. You are getting ready for a trip. Where are you going? What are you taking with you? Who will you be with?
  3. It is Sunday afternoon. What you are doing? Give details.
  4. When you think of your kitchen, what smell do you associate with it? Why is that smell so resonant for you?
  5. What is in your refrigerator right now? In your bedroom? On your library shelf? On your nightstand? In your garbage can?
Q: What questions would you add to the list?

Check some links for more suggestions.
Gotham Character Questionnaire
Marcel Proust Character Questionnaire
Four Methods for Interviewing Characters by Laurie Campell
10 Questions You Need to Ask Your Characters by Brenda Janowitz
30 Questions to Ask Your Main Character by Carly Watters

Friday, November 3, 2017

Big Question –What’s Puberty? –Get Ready

Question that can pop up innocently at any age and
can turn into an awkward conversation for all
involved rather quickly, so get ready.

Decorated by Basia P


(Say: PYOO-ber-tee) is the name for the time when your body begins to develop and change as you move from kid when girls are developing breasts and boys starting to look more like men. During puberty, your body will grow faster than at any other time in your life, except for when you were a baby. Read more at

Read and have handy books to support a big talk
“The care and keeping of you: the body book for younger girls” by  Valorie Lee Schaefer
“The care and keeping of you 2 : the body book for older girls” by Cara Familian Natterson
“A Girl's Guide to Making Really Good Choices” by Elizabeth George

See it first before introducing it to your child. 
Pictures and vocabulary might be too advance for your child yet
“What's happening to me? The answers to some of the world's most embarrassing questions” by Peter Mayle
“It's Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health” by Robie H. Harries
Vocabulary and Approaches

Pdf vocab and more

Good source of information when talking to your child about puberty by Kids Health 
All toys made by Basia P, 2017

Sunday, October 15, 2017

UNESCO declared 2017 as the Year of Kosciuszko

“Always remember that
By nature, we are all equals, that
Wealth and education constitute the only difference.”

“Liberty is the sweetest fruit a man may taste in this world.”

Tadeusz Kosciuszko
By Basia P, 2017

Today -
October 15, 2017 –
Marks the 200th anniversary of the death of 
General Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1746-1817) –

A national hero in Poland and the United States,

Freedom fighter and military leader,

Ardent advocate for the rights of
European serfs,
African Slaves,
Native American Indians,
Women and
All other disenfranchised social groups on two continents;

Engineer and creator of the West Point;
Precursor of the development of national awareness in its modern sense,
Embodiment of the principle of tolerance.

In honor of his bicentennial
UNESCO declared 2017 as the Year of Kosciuszko

Monday, October 9, 2017

What To Do if You Want Your Child to Enlarge his Vocabulary By Basia

If you want your child to have a bigger vocabulary you can encourage him to write a poem. This helps because it makes your child look for rhymes and rhyming is always fun and comes more naturally, for example “The CAT jumped on the MAT” or read the poem below.

You Might…

I love my house
It is so fine.
It is just mine
It's not decline.
I'm so cool
I really rule.
I have a pool
And golden tool.
I also love to sing,
I go Bing Bing Bing.
You're a fool
Because I rule.
You're so amusing.
That's what you're choosing.
If you wona be a class clown - Go ahead.
Just be careful your nose might turn red.
You're so elegant but you still look like an elephant.
I mean, you do work at the zoo.
The cows around you go moo-moo-moo.
You might also turn black-and-white,
Be careful cause I'm almost always right!
Don't smile for a while -
You might get a stain on your brain.
Guess what? It might really rain.
What's a pain, what's a pain?

If you want your child to get better in both typing and his vocabulary you can use an app on your computer called Thesaurus . By pressing on a chosen word and Shift F7 he can find synonyms and another meaning of the word.

This even helps when learning another language. For example I've started learning Spanish (as you know from my mom's blog.)

Unforgettable trip to Red Gate Farm

I went on a farm trip for 3 days. It was a trip with my classmates.
We had to sleep in tents with 4 people in each tent. At night I heard wolf cries. I wasn't sure these were wolves, but at night it felt like. The experience was unusual and unlike any other. It was very fun and exciting, but a little scary at the same time.
The wake up call was at 6:15 am
We had to prepare our own breakfast, lunch and dinner, serve them and then clean up after that. The food was very delicious and nutritious. We had different tasks during the day, such as; Feed animals by taking care of them by going to the forest and cleaning and finally gardening.
At night we sat around the fire pit and sang songs and told different stories. Everyone had a chance to reflect on the day.
The weather was very nice and warm and at night, it got a little cooler, so I brought a jacket.  
We also got to relax on the grass on the sunny day while we were knitting nice scarves.
Some people also had the opportunity to practice yoga on the grass.
I hope I can visit Red Gate Farm again one day.”

These strategies are not only good for children but can also help grownups too.

My good weekend

My weekend is very long because I don't have school on Monday because it's Columba Day.  
Today we were the Island Governors. I like that island because it was very long, there is a lot of nature and there are not many people.
We took a ferry to get there we have our bikes.
You can rent fun bike that has two to eight seats.
We also went to a small theater and saw these photos that had strange 3D carvings that look like people are coming out of them. They were called holograms.
We had a picnic outside.
This was my trip to the Big Island called Governers Island. I have a good experience there and hope to visit again one day.
I also reorganized my room. Now it seems like I've moved on. It was a good feeling because it feels like I started from scratch. This was my Saturday. I had a very good afternoon. 
I'm also very excited for tomorrow.
Goodbye friends!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Take a Stand Against Sitting


“Couch potatoes might help cut their risk of early death by

getting up every 30 minutes,

study finds

By Steven Reinberg
HealthDay Reporter

MONDAY, Sept. 11, 2017 (HealthDay News) 
Days spent sitting for hours may increase your risk for an early death 
no matter how much you exercise, researchers say.

In a new study, people who sat the most had twice the risk of dying over a 4-year period as people who sat the least. But taking a break every 30 minutes to get up and walk around might help decrease the risk, the study authors said.”

Must read rest of the article go to

Monday, October 2, 2017

October - Eat Better, Eat Together Month

When adults, children and teenagers eat together, children and teenagers do better in school, have fewer behavior problems and communication improves.
 Basia's Summer 2017

Read more:
“The Benefits of the Family Table” from American College of Pediatricians – May 2014
“The Importance of Eating Together
Family dinners build relationships, and help kids do better in school.” By Cody C. Delistraty, July 18, 2014 from The Atlantic
“Five Ways Family Dinners Build Stronger Kids (and Adults)” by Brianne DeRosa
Communications Consultant for The Family Dinner Project, May 12, 2017, from The Chicago Community Trust
Eat Better, Eat Together Month