
Monday, February 5, 2018

Great Writer - Leslie Connor

“Waiting for Normal” by Leslie Connor
Recommendation by BP
“Mom, it is an amazing story you must read. It is about a girl named Addie who lives in a wagon car. Her mother has an all-or-nothing approach to life: a food fiesta or an empty pantry, her way or no way. Addie has a very strong spirit, goes through tough time and never stops hoping for an ordinary home and an ordinary life. The story made me cry and laugh all the way to the end. I wonder if you like that book as much as I do. Let me know.” 

“An inspiring lesson in perseverance and hope.” - Kirkus Reviews

Leslie Connor Bio by Good Readers
Leslie Connor Website

Leslie Connor's Books

Middle Grade
“All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook” by Leslie Connor
“Waiting for Normal” by Leslie Connor
“Crunch” by Leslie Connor

For Teens
“The Things You Kiss Goodbye” by Leslie Connor
“Dead on Town Line” by Leslie Connor
“All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook” by Leslie Connor

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