
Friday, May 4, 2018

Trip to Peru: Lima - Cuzo - Sacret Valley - Machu Picchu - Puno - Lima

 Basia with llamas, Peru 2018

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Join me and my family on a trip to Peru to open new windows of understanding, knowledge, and wonder. Learn history and archaeology in an exciting way at the famed “Lost City of the Incas,” Machu Picchu. Study about the construction of this mountain citadel. Explore other Pre-Inca Ruins as Pachacamac, burial ground of Sillustani, or Incan sites such Moray, a remarkable agricultural center that demonstrates the ancient Incan's mastery of high-altitude crop growing, or Maras, known for its nearby salt evaporation ponds, or Inca fortress of Ollantaytambo, or Temple of Wiracocha and many more.

In Peru you can also experience unique cross-cultural opportunities, such as meeting a renowned Peruvian ceramicists who work with traditional techniques and designs. Learn about the importance of llamas and alpacas to the Peruvian way of life. Cuzco, with its blend of Inca and Spanish architecture, promotes further historical discussion, plus, you can meet with a local family who shares secrets of Peruvian cooking. Travel by chartered boat out on Lake Titicaca to the magical floating reed islands of the Uros people, where you can explore the islands and meet with the local families who live there. Our family adventure to Peru is geared for families with kids ages 10 and older.

Below you can find itinerary of our trip to Peru. It was rather an intense journey, because of several walking tours as well as some early started and long days, but it was truly unique and memorable experiance.

DAY 1, Depart for Peru
Overnight stay: in Lima

Lima, Peru’s vibrant capital, founded in 1535 by the conquistador Francisco Pizarro.

DAY 2, Lima City Tour
Overnight stay in: Lima

In the morning we took a tour of Lima, with its 2000 years of history. The sightseeing started at the colonial center of the city, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with its historic buildings surrounding the splendid Plaza Mayor. We viewed the impressive Palace of the Archbishop with its fine carved balcony, the opulent Government Palace, official residence of the President, and the 16th century Cathedral of Lima whose first stone was laid by Pizarro. We continued to the 17th century Monasterio de San Francisco complex with its magnificent tiles, ornate carved ceilings, exceptional paintings and world-renowned library.  

In the afternoon we visited the archaeological site of Pachacamac, Pre-Inca Ruins, one of the largest religious center in pre-Inca times on the Peruvian coast. We tied to uncover the ancient mystery of the Pachacamac Temple with the help of our knowledgeable guide, explored the remarkable religious compound and discovered its intriguing history and 200 AD origin. We marveled at the majestic pyramids dedicated to the Sun and the Moon and admired the architectural precision of the buildings while learning about the customs and traditions of the pre-Inca civilization.

In the evening we stopped over magnificent Larco Herrera Private Museum with the world's largest collection of pre-Columbian masterpieces and enjoyed a stunning exhibition of gold and priceless jewels. The museum is located in an 18th century restored mansion, built over a 7th century pyramid and surrounded by gardens.

DAY 3, Fly to Cuzco, Chinchero Weaving Demonstration
Overnight stay in: Urubamba Sacred Valley

Precaution: Due to the high elevation, travel in the Peruvian highlands may cause some passengers to experience the temporary effects of altitude sickness. To avid that we were drinking lots of water and coca leave tea, walked slowly and took time to rest.

In early morning we departed Lima and flu to Cuzco, ancient capital of the Inca Empire and the oldest continuously inhabited city in South America. Upon arrival, we drove through the rugged mountainous region with its magnificent panoramas, along roads with farms and small villages to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. We stopped in Chinchero to enjoy an authentic Peruvian lunch (sope de quinua, papa rellona, cuy cnactado, Inca Cola, pisco sour, pisarones), followed by a demonstration of the ancient Andean tradition of making textiles from naturally dyed handwoven alpaca wool. Remarkably, the source for the vibrant colors are dyes that come from plants, minerals, and insects. We had a chance to wander around the complex and shop for souvenirs among the fine textiles and other local treasures. In the evening, we ate more of Peruvian delicatessens (ceviche, chope de camarones, causa a la lemana, carapulca, chichi, coca tea, tres leches, tuna and lucuma) and enjoyed the live music.

DAY 4, Sacred Valley & Ollantaytambo Ruins
Overnight stay in: Urubamba Sacred Valley

In the morning we visited the impressive Inca fortress of Ollantaytambo, an ancient complex of temples and terraces towering high over the valley, the last stand of the Incas in their defense against the Spanish conquistadors. We marveled at the architecture of the Incas in this well preserved settlement, considered a living museum of 15th century life.
We also visited Ollantaytambo village and its surroundings. The village is the best surviving example of classic Inca town planning. Many of the original Inca walls, compounds, and irrigation channels date back to the 15th century or earlier. Ollantaytambo is so well preserved it serves as a veritable replica of a typical community during the reign of the Incas. We strolled along the river and took a peek in the buildings, a unique glimpse into the life of this long-lost culture.

In the afternoon  we explored Maras and Moray.
The excursion begin in Moray, Inca’s Laboratory, a remarkable agricultural center that demonstrates the ancient Incan's mastery of high-altitude crop growing. We were astounded by the large complex of perfectly circular depressions in the earth that historians believe were used to study climatic conditions. As we descend each layer, the surrounding temperature descends as well, degree by degree, making for a unique and highly sophisticated thermos-graphic tool.
Next, we traveled to the colonial town of Maras, known for its nearby salt evaporation ponds in use since the time of the Incas.
During the tour, we had an opportunity to see the local farmers and shepherds working with native crops and animals all along the valley. This was a unique chance to peer into the daily lives of the indigenous people.

In the evening we enjoyed traditional dinner with a Peruvian Family in their countryside home.

DAY 5, Discover Machu Picchu
Overnight stay in: Cuzco

Very early morning our driver took us to the Sacred Valley's Ollanta Station to board The Voyager Train that travels through misty peaks to the astonishing ancient citadel of Machu Picchu, the "Lost City of the Incas", designated by UNESCO as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Machu Picchu was virtually unknown to the western world until Hiram Bingham's re-discovery in 1911. Together with the group we hoped on the shuttle bus up to the ruins for exploration of the trail system and surrounding ruins. We were able to hike along the famed Inca Trail to Machu Picchu to the Inti Punku, the Gate of the Sun. This is a walk of one mile distance, and approximately 1,000 feet vertical gain. The view down to Machu Picchu from the ceremonial platform there is a classic. We viewed the unforgettable wonders of this 15th century retreat, abandoned nearly 100 years later with the arrival of the conquistadors, saw the highlights of the site including the imposing Temple of the Sun, the House of the Priest, the Sacred Plaza and the intricately carved rock likely used as a sundial by the ancient Incas. The images of this significant archaeological site will be a long-lasting memory for us.
We returned to the Sacred Valley in the early evening.

DAY 6, Full Day in Cuzco
Overnight stay in: Cuzco

"Imperial City" of Cuzco was once a capital of the Inca Empire and now is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This lively city, rich in history, reveals remains of both the Incan and the Spanish presence.

In the morning we joined the tour, offering a glimpse into the other side of life in Cuzco. On this tour, we visited a local market and tasted fresh-baked Chuta bread. We stopped at the Cuzco cemetery to learn more about Andean life and death and met with a local "shaman" (holy man). After the cooking demonstration we enjoyed a delicious meal.

In the afternoon, we joined the Highlights of Cuzco excursion that took us to the impressive Colonial Cathedral with its collection of over 400 paintings from the Cusqueña School in addition to an impressive collection of colonial art, including Marcos Zapata's depiction of The Last Supper displaying Cuy, or Guinea Pig, as the main course. We continued on to visit the Temple of the Sun, which walls and floors were allegedly once covered by sheets of solid gold. This temple was once the most important religious site of the Incas. From here we traveled to Sacsayhuaman, located on the northern slope of Cuzco. This impressive fortress, which consists of individual stones weighing well over 100 tons, took over seven decades to complete and is a prime example of Incan military architecture. From here we could admire and enjoy fabulous views of Cuzco.
We concluded the day at the Kenko amphitheater, a mysterious limestone formation decorated by intricately carved depictions of mythical entities.
During the tour, we had the opportunity to visit a local shop featuring alpaca clothing and accessories, and a local jewelry shop, featuring gold and silver necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings.
We also made to Inca Museum.

DAY 7, Raqchi & Puno
Overnight stay in: Puno

A long drive day.
We departed Cuzco early in the morning, enjoying spectacular scenery as we drove through the Andes mountain range and the Andean plains to Puno on the Peruvian side of Lake Titicaca. In this area, South American camelids (llamas and alpacas) graze on the immense plateaus and plains. On a route we visited the 15th century Temple of Wiracocha, with its elaborate stonework, the largest Inca temple ever discovered. Today, Raqchi remains home to many farmers, ranchers and artisans. Then, we arrived at pristine Lake Titicaca sitting majestically at 12,500 feet above sea level, backed by the snowcapped peaks of Bolivia's Cordillera Real range. Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world and South America's largest fresh water lake.

While still on the way we met children at a local school before arriving in Puno for overnight. A school visit was a highlight of the trip especially for my daughter Basia. She practiced her Spanish while the kids practiced their English. 

DAY 8, Excursion to Uros Islands on Lake Titicaca
Overnight stay in: Puno 

In the morning we headed to the port to board a small chartered boat to cruise out onto Lake Titicaca. Our destination was a fascinating floating reed island Uros community in Puno Bay. The Uros live very much the same as their ancestors did and still follow the ancient customs and traditions. These islands are completely man-made structures, using the totora reeds from the lake to build the islands and houses. We had time to explore these unique islands and talk with some of the residents.

In the afternoon we took a tour to the Sillustani Tombs, the pre-Incan burial ground on the shores of Lake Umayo. The tombs here were built above the ground in tower-like structures called chullpas, vestiges of the Colla people.
In addition we visited Carlos Dreyer Museum featuring paintings by Carlos Dreyer, as well as Incan and colonial artifacts and art. We also went to the Coca Museum and Customs.

DAY 9, Fly to Lima, Farewell Dinner
Overnight: Lima

Very early morning we drove to Juliaca airport to flight back to Lima.
Jullaca is the largest trade center in the Puno region.
Upon arrival, we were transferred to our hotel in the Miraflores district.

Later on we explored some more of the city with the local tour guide, visit the Mercado Indio, a popular open-air market which features the best of folk art from all over the country and made our final shopping.

That night we had a special Farewell Dinner with Peruvian specialties.

DAY 10, Depart Peru

Early morning we transferred from the hotel to the airport for our departure flight.

Related Reading

“Insight Guide Peru” by Insight Guides, GUIDEBOOK
Panoramic in scope, this illustrated overview brings Peru to life in color photographs and vivid essays on history, archaeology and culture.

“Lost City of the Incas” by Hiram Bingham
This first-rate adventure story by the man who brought Machu Picchu to the attention of the world 100 years ago is not just a gripping tale of exploration and archaeology, it also sets the scene for any visitor to the site. Hugh Thomson (A Sacred Landscape, The Search for Ancient Peru) provides the introduction to this Centenary Edition. 

“Stone Offerings”, by Mike Torrey
Torrey captures the dramatic setting, solitude and intricate construction of the Inca site of Machu Picchu in 100 striking color photographs taken over a few days at summer and winter solstice.

For more information check websites

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