
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

How to Raise Unselfish, Empathetic Child

 Read “Unselfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in our All-About-Me World” by Michele Borba.
Teenagers today are 40% less empathetic than they were thirty years ago. Why is a “lack of empathy,” called by Dr. Michele Borba “the Selfie Syndrome” so dangerous? First, it hurts kids' academic performance and drives to bullying behaviors.

Furthermore, it leads to increased cheating and decreased resilience. Once children grow up, a lack of empathy obstructs their ability to collaborate, innovate, and problem-solve-all must-have skills for the comprehensive economy.

In “UnSelfie,” Dr. Borba identifies the forces triggering the empathy crisis and shares an innovative, researched-based, nine-step plan for reversing the process.
Empathy is a quality that can be taught and nurtured. Dr. Borba offers an outline for parenting that shows the results we all want: successful, happy kids who are kind, moral, courageous, and resilient. “UnSelfie” is a blueprint for parents and educators who want to kids shift their focus from I, me, and we, us, and ours.

If you are interested in discussing this topic with other parents, this guide could prove to be helpful clickhere  for PDF or on the link below
See some of Borba's other books and accomplishments by visiting her website click here or

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