
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) - Therapy Tools


To refresh my knowledge about Apraxia I took “Building and Expanding Your CAS Toolkit” ASHA web presented by Ruth Stoeckel

What is Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS)?
CAS is a neurological pediatric speech sound disorder (SSD) that impairs speech motor planning/programming. CAS can delay acquisition of skills including the control of vocal pitch, intensity, and duration of speech sounds [ASHA Ad Hoc Committee on Apraxia of Speech in Children 2007].
It also impairs the child’s ability to correctly pronounce sounds, syllables, and words. CAS can thus render the child unable to start articulating the first sounds, and can lead to a serious communicative disability.

CAS can be difficult to diagnose and monitor due to a high comorbidity with other speech and language disorders and a lack of specific tools [Newbury and Monaco 2010].
By working intensely with a trained speech language pathologist (SLP), those with CAS can overcome their motor planning and motor programming difficulties (articulation capabilities) [ASHA Ad Hoc Committee on Apraxia of Speech in Children 2007].


Read my other posts about CAS
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
Apraxia Treatment

11 Videos with Kaufman Treatment Materials

Kaufman (K-SLP) Treatment Kit 1 Demo
Teach children with apraxia to produce and combine the oral-motor movements necessary for functional and intelligible speech. Kit 1 trains children to combine consonants and vowels to form words while controlling for oral-motor difficulty. Published by Northern Speech Services.
Kaufman (K-SLP) Treatment Kit 2 Demo

Once a child has mastered the sounds in Kit 1, Treatment Kit 2 helps to refine intelligibility by addressing more complicated motor-speech movements and synthesis into initial and final word positions. Published by Northern Speech Services. Learn more at

“Architecture of an automated therapy tool for childhood apraxia of speech”
“Development of a Remote Therapy Tool for Childhood Apraxia of Speech”

Apraxia: Speech Therapy and Treatment for Toddlers and Young Children written by Sharon Gretz, M.Ed., revised and updated by Megan Overby, PhD, CCC-SLP
Practicing Speech Sounds, Syllables, or Words Multiple Times with Preschoolers By Robin Strode, M.A., CCC-SLP
A Dozen Tips for Supporting Early Speech Development in Children with Severe CAS By Margaret Fish, M.S., CCC-SLP
Apraxia Kids

Child Apraxia Therapy Ideas

Talk Tools – Apraxia Program
Apraxia Program was developed by TalkTools Instructor and apraxia expert, ReneeRoy Hill, MS, CCC-SLP.
There are three sets of tools that provide tactile cueing for specific sounds: /m/, /p/, /b/, /oo/, /oh/, /ee/, /ih/, /eh/, /uh/ and /ah/, so clients can feel where the articulators should be during speech production. When the tools are combined with verbal and visual cues, they provide a multisensory approach to facilitating speech.
Program includes 1 set each:
  • bilabial shapes
  • tactile tubes
  • speech blocks
  • instruction manual and demo videos
You can also take live or online course "A Sensory-motorApproach to Apraxia of Speech" to learn how to use them.

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