
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Use Everyday Routines to Build Language Skills

 Daily Routine and Language Development

Daily routines play a crucial role in language stimulation and development for children. These routines, such as bathing, feeding, diaper changing, and car rides, offer numerous opportunities for children to learn and practice language skills in a natural setting. During these activities, parents naturally engage in conversation with their children, providing verbal cues and modeling language patterns. For example, during bath time, parents may describe the actions they are taking ("I'm washing your hair") or the objects they are using ("Here's the soap"). Similarly, during mealtime, parents can introduce new vocabulary related to food items and encourage children to express their preferences ("Do you want more applesauce?").

Furthermore, these daily routines provide a structured framework for repetitive learning, essential for language development. Through repeated exposure to language-rich interactions during routine activities, children have the opportunity to internalize vocabulary, understand grammatical structures, and develop conversational skills. For instance, during diaper changing, parents may engage in simple conversations with their child ("Let's change your diaper. Are you feeling dry now?") or sing songs and nursery rhymes, which helps to reinforce language learning in a fun and engaging way.

Overall, daily routines serve as powerful contexts for language stimulation and development, offering children a consistent and familiar environment where they can actively engage in language learning. By recognizing the importance of these routines and actively participating in language-rich interactions during them, parents can significantly support their child's language acquisition and foster their overall communication skills.


“The Power of Using Everyday Routines to Promote Young Children’s Language and Social Skills” by Fern Sussman , the Program Director of The Hanen Centre

8 Tips to Promote Speech & Language

Use Everyday Routines to Build Language Skills

Daily routines Worksheets - pdf exercises

Daily Routine Language for parents

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