
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Improve Your Child Behavior

To improve your child’s overall behavior  and performance apply and follow simple suggestions :

  1. Modify environment
·         Eliminate unnecessary noise: TV/video, loud music
·         Expose child to: soft music, children songs, classical music
·         Eliminate visual distractions (minimalize TV/video, busy environment)
  1. Modify diet
·         Eliminate fast food, cheeps, sweets, soda
·         Offer vegetables and fruits (give child 15 chances to let child to like new test)
·         Provide good breakfast
·         Offer light meal before bedtime
  1. Modify daily routine
·         Visualize daily routine: picture calendar
·         Start regular time for waking up, meal times, bedtime
·         Offer and eat meal at the table
·         Brush teeth after meals
·         Read story for bedtime
  1. Teach feelings
·         happy, sad, mad, surprised
  1. Cue speech
·         Visually with eye contact and pictures
·         Verbally by modeling, labeling and prizing
  1. Teach to initiate and maintain eye-contact
·         Using simple command: Look at me! and pointing to your eyes
·         Turn child’s face to initiate eye contact if necessary
  1. Use gestures/signs to support speech
·         yes, no, more, give me, food, drink, bath, sleep, come, sit down, walk, please. thank you, later, all done/the end/finish, car, ball, book
  1. When making commands
·         Keep them short and direct
·         Give time to process information
·         Repeat twice
  1. Teach your child
·         To point
·         To recognize objects
·         To match
·         To make choices: What do you want?
·         To play with toys functionally
I truly believe, that with your afford and consideration can make a big difference.

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