
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sensory Problems - Management Tips

Tips adopted from a book, Raising a Sensory Smart Child, by Lindsey Biel, OTR/L and Nancy Peske

You can find more interesting books placed under each section. Enjoy.

·   To desensitize gums, provide tactile input. Wear a rubber finger cot, swipe with a washcloth, or use an Infadent finger cot or Toothettes (available from Achievement Productsfor Children)
·   If your child can't tolerate foamy toothpaste, try Orajel toddler toothpaste, which does not foam.
·   Develop a predictable routine for when and how to brush. Help your child choose the brushing pattern which will always be used. For example, she could decide to always start with the top teeth and to brush from left to right, front to back. A consistent brushing pattern will help your child motor plan this complex activity, learn to predict when and where she will feel various sensations (rather than be a "victim" of horrible sensations), and help your child feel proud about keeping her mouth and teeth nice and clean.

·   If your child doesn't like "slimy" soap or shampoo, try foamy soap (also good for tactile play—unlike shaving cream, it doesn't have a strong smell).
·   Try using a large container of water for rinsing since the extra weight of the water might feel soothing. Alternately, your child might be more comfortable if he simply feels in control of the water. In this case, provide a sprinkling can (beach or garden toy) or a hand-held shower attachment. Count together to rinsing: "1, 2, 3, rinse."
·   Use a foam visor or a washrag held over the face when rinsing. This is good for a child who hates water on his face or who hates tilting his head back for rinsing. You might also have him dry his face immediately after washing it even if he's still in the shower or bath.
·   If toweling dry is a problem, experiment with softer (or harder) towel textures. You can also try pre-warming the towel in the dryer for a few minutes.

Going to Bed
·   Make sure the room is dark enough (or light enough) for your child to sleep. A small amount of light might comfort one child, while light creeping in through the curtains or under the door might disturb another.
·   Try a white noise machine, fan, aquarium, or even a radio set on static to create white noise to block out sleep-disturbing sounds. Some children fall asleep more easily listening to gentle clasical music or CDs specifically designed to promote sleep. Check out Baby Go to Sleep sleep CDs.
·   Give calming deep pressure input via a backrub or massage using long, firm strokes. Even just squeezing her feet, legs, hands, and arms, can be very soothing at bedtime. You can also try using a weighted blanket (available from SouthpawEnterprises and Abilitations.)

Getting a Haircut
·   Massage your child's scalp before a haircut using your hands or a vibrating hairbrush (available from Abilitations).
·   Go to a kid-friendly haircutting place or create your own at home with candy and an absorbing video to watch.
·   Have the barber or stylist give the child a big soft brush or a dry washrag with baby powder on it to brush off stray hair as it is cut. Use baby powder on irritated skin afterward.

·   Some tactile-defensive kids insist on supersoft, all-cotton clothing (think: pre-worn = pre-softened).
·   Some children are more comfortable wearing snug clothing or tight clothing worn beneath their other clothes. Try bicycle shorts, tights, "too small" t-shirts, etc.
·   When buying clothes for a tactile-sensitive child, avoid scratchy nylon threads and items made of polyester blends which can pill and cause discomfort.
·   Buy seamless socks.
·   Avoid shopping during peak hours when stores are most crowded and noisy.
·   Let your child push the grocery cart for sensory input. Many grocery stores have junior carts for smaller children. Also, pushing a stroller can help a toddler or preschooler get calming input. Add packages for extra weight.
·   Give your child some control and a sense of predictability. Young children can help find groceries on the shelf, match groceries to a picture list, or follow a picture list of chores you will be doing that day. Older kids can help you write lists, find items, pull out coupons, or check items off your to-do list.

Potty Training
·   Some children are disturbed by the size and feel of a large toilet seat. Bring your child to the store and help her to pick out a potty chair or a small, cushioned vinyl ring that fits onto an adult toilet seat.
·   Some children are frightening by the sound of flushing. A sense of control might help: together, count off to the flush, for example: "1, 2, 3, FLUSH!" Make lots of noise as the toilet is flushing, shouting "hooray!"
·   Sometimes, tight clothes provide sensory input that distracts a child from the sensation of needing to use the potty. Loose clothing such as boxer shorts may help him recognize when he has the urge to go.

See all 15 Favorite Potty Training Books

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