
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Traveling with Children - Fun and Educational Benefits

We have been traveling a lot, both far away and near.
So often, people think that life must change after having a kid, or that they must settle down and focus on the safety and education. I personally believe that stability for children comes from their parents. It is presence from their parents that allows for the security, stability and “home” that they need.
Many people believe that it’s a waste of money to travel with young children since they won’t remember much before the age of 5. I strongly disagree. My husband and I are surprised how much and what our daughter remembers from the early trips, pictures she’d seen, food she’d tasted, or smell she’d came across.
A baboon - South Africa
Penguins - Argentina
A roe - Mexico
Caterpillars - South Africa
Sugarcane - Dominican Republic
Dactyls - Dominican Republic
Fresh apples - Poland
Tea in Hong Kong
Having a daughter did not interfere with our desire to explore the world. We packed our bags again when she was just 3 month old.
Kids are dreamers, so we let our daughter to dream, to be exposed to the beautiful world we live in and show her that a world outside of our own exists.
South Africa
Hong Kong
We believe that traveling will allow her to discover how many endless opportunities there are in the world, inspire her to learn new languages, play new games, or make new friends.
Writing - Japan
A new friend - Japan
On a playground - Hong Kong
At a schoolyard - Dominican Republic
At the Pilica river - Poland
While getting older she might become an explorer of everything the world has to offer: diverse cultures,   various religions, different political systems, special traditions, amazing places and interesting people.
Ancient Mayans - Mexico
Warsaw - Poland
Sulejow - Poland
Sandomierz -Poland
With each new place she visits, she has a chance to observe that every human has hopes and dreams. Therefore when we travel somewhere new, we encourage her to ask about the new things she sees, how the people around her behave, and even why different cultures believe what they do.
A curious child is the one who asks to know. 
Pineapples - Mexico
Traveling is an excellent way to raise meaningful questions, to discuss them and learn about the life. Therefore we try to be prepared to answer them properly, with patience, with an enjoyment of each little stop she wants to make along the way to examine a tiny crab, chase a fast lizard, take care of a baby hedgehog or play with the coconuts, and take pride in knowing we are helping to shape the way she sees this boundless and wonderful world we all share.
A hermit crab - Bermuda
A lizard - Mexico
A hedgehog - Poland
Seashells - Cambodia
Critical thinking is essential and it is often said that it is not taught in our school system. It is however, learned through living, playing, exploring, discovering, and being exposed to new and different ways of life.
Traveling will teach our daughter to become a better citizen of the world. We cultivate a social awareness that most of us don’t develop until much later in life, empathy for humanity, and a wondrous spirit that will inspire others as they walk through this precious gift of life.
South Africa
We hope that thanks to traveling our daughter will adapt better to changes in her live, that she will learn to have gratitude and appreciation for all she was given and that she’ll be more compassionate, respectful, aware and considerate of others.
Dominican Republic
Click a link below to see few pictures from our recent trip to Asia.

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