
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Traveling with Children – Get Ready

Traveling with a child may not always be easy but a bit of forethought can make it smooth and pleasant. The list below might help.

Must Pack
  • Medication: two types of fever reducer, a thermometer, sickness motion tablets, medication for upset stomach, anti-itching lotion, oral rehydration preparation, band-aids, masking tape, seizures, tissue paper.
  • For a hot weather: a sunscreen, appropriate hats, light, long-sleeve shirts, longer shorts, insect repellent.
  • Activities for traveling: pencils with erasers, pens, crayons, markers, a notebook to play a hangman, tic-tac-toe games, etc., paper to draw, activity books, play a game “I spay with my little eye”
  • In general: a good water container, lots of favorite snacks, light backpack for the short trips, swimming suit, comfortable clothing and shoes, a watch, different sizes plastic bags, a flashlight.
Check in Advance
  • Vaccinations if appropriate and necessary.
  • Passport expiration date.
  • Visas if needed.
  • Fly airlines and tickets.
  • Booking hotels.
  • Cash or credit cards if accepted.
Safety Suggestions
  • Don’t let your child to touch animals to reduce a risk of bites and source of germs.
  • Be vigilant about the potential dangers of unfamiliar places, swimming pools or beaches.
  • Avoid risky foods such as seafood, undercooked meats, peeled and raw fruits and vegetables, and unpasteurised dairy products.
  • For the safety reason drink only bottled water or bottled fruit juices.
  • Make sure to wash hands frequently. 
Keeping your child amused and busy while travelling
  • Offer games or toys one at a time.
  • Play Hangman, Tic-tac-toe, I spay with my little eye games, etc.
  • Show a map beforehand and point out landmarks as you go (older children).
General tips to make travel easier
  • Encourage frequent swallowing when taking off and landing; it prevents the build-up of pressure inside the ears.
  • Make sure your child eats something before travelling, but avoid heavy or greasy foods.
  • Encourage your child to drink plenty of water to reduce the risk of dehydration.
  • Carry plenty of favorite snacks and drinks when touring around.
  • Plan frequent toilet stops.
  • Try to keep a routine, as much as it is possible, e.g. breakfast practice, bed time, etc.
  • When visiting attractions with older children use 'trade-off' method – activities for adults in the morning balanced with activities for the kids after lunch.
  • Buy a cheep camera and 'holiday diary' for kid to record own impressions (older children).
  • Try to attend family attractions and events.
  • Use the babysitting facilities from time to time for a break.

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