
Monday, July 21, 2014

Heritage of History and Culture, Poland 2014

Parent involvement during the summer months is crucial to student success. According to the National Education Association, “Parents who are actively involved in their children’s learning … help their children become more successful learners in and out of school.” 
Summer vacation gives endless opportunities to explore the world and learn various things.
This summer 7 years old Basia has learned a lot about her family heritage and looked into a history of Poland and its capital WarsawOld Town was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage
The Palaceon the Water 
The ŁazienkiPark (Royal Baths Park)

Castle Square with the Royal Castle the iconic King Sigismund's Column Zygmunt'sColumn
The Presidential Palace 
also known as Pałac Koniecpolskich, Lubomirskich, Radziwiłłów, and Pałac Namiestnikowski)
Pawiak, an infamous German Gestapo prison
The WarsawGhetto
National monument at the Ghetto's former Umschlagplatz 
symbolizing an open freight car, Warsaw

Victory Square in Warsaw 

Great Theater 
The Palace of the Ministry of Revenues and Treasury 
(Pałac Komisji Rządowej Przychodu i Skarbu) 
located at 3/5 Bank Square in Warsaw. 
It is sometimes known as Leszczyński Palace.

Brühl Palace
Krasiński Palace (Palace of the Commonwealth), 
Warsaw the Polish National Library's Special Collections
View of the VistulaRiver 
17th century Ostrogski Castle houses the Chopin Museum.
The heart of Polish-born composer is sealed inside Warsaw's Holy Cross Church

1855 bronze sculpture of The Warsaw Mermaid in the Old Town Market Place
Warsaw University Library
(BUW) by Marek Budzyński and Zbigniew Badowski, 
featuring a garden on its roof and view of the VistulaRiver

Long Kept in Secret History 
The Molotov–Ribbentrop non-aggression pact
Dividing Poland in half between Germany and Russia
Prime Minister Władysław Sikorski
General Józef Piłsudski Chief of State of the Second Republic of Poland
The Katynmassacre
The Katynmassacre The number of Polish intelligence victims is estimated at about 22,000. Of the total killed, about 8,000 were officers takenprisoner during the 1939 Soviet invasion ofPoland, another 6,000 were police officers, and the rest were arrested Polish intelligentsia the Soviets deemed to be "intelligence agents, gendarmes, landowners, saboteurs, factory owners, lawyers, officials and priests."
The crash of a Polish Air Force Tu-154 in Smolensk catastrophe 
The 2010 crash of a Polish Air Force Tu-154 occurred on 10 April 2010 near the city of Smolensk, Russia, killing all 96 Polish intelligence on board. These included president LechKaczyński and his wife Maria, former president Ryszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of Poland, Poland's deputy forain minister, Polish government officials, 18 members of the Polish Parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy, and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre. 
They were on route from Warsaw to Smolensk to attend an event marking the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre.

I recommend to watch “Gladiators of World War II -The Free Polish Forces WW2”

The WarsawZoo 
The WarsawZoo 

Warsaw was the beloved city of Isaac Bashevis Singer, which he described in many of his novels: “Warsaw has just now been destroyed. No one will ever see the Warsaw I knew. Let me just write about it. Let this Warsaw not disappear forever”, he commented.

Check also Tourism in Poland

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