
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Meeting New People and Making Friends - Poland 2014

Traveling gives an ideal opportunity to talk to people who we wouldn't normally have had a chance to interact with.  

My best travel memories are not only about exciting places I visited but mostly about people I’ve met and interacted with along my numerous journeys. These people add another layer of depth to whatever I saw or did. My favorite photos are the ones with friends. My favorite places, souvenirs, foods, and music are the ones I associate with friends I made along the way and often their friends who recommended something, or shared something with me I would never have discovered on my own. And these aren’t always friends for life. Sometimes I’ve linked with someone just for a day or even a moment. Whether we cross paths again or not, I’ll never forget them. Among all the travel experiences I’ve enjoyed, this is what stands out the most – people.
Since I’ve got that joy I want my daughter to experience similar excitement and make connections with people she will remember forever. Besides any excitement a new friendship might bring safety must always go first.

When we are together I obviously give her some hints how to start a small talk, comment on interesting things around us, and use clues that the person gives about themselves to ask meaningful questions. But above all I always prompt her to smile! People are drawn to a genuine smile and what’s more smiling tends to be contagious.

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