
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Looking For Inspiration - "Art Forms of Nature" by Ernst Haeckel

Barbara has been fascinated with patterns and symmetry for a long time.
Patterns and symmetry in Basia’s art. 
While looking for an inspiration to catch my daughter’s interest to be able to work with her on vocabulary, grammar and tripod grip I reached for Ernst Haeckel "Art Forms of Nature", suggested by an artist Rachel Goldsmith, Basia’s former art instructor. 
Ernst Haeckel "Art Forms of Nature"
It appeared to be a perfect match and very powerful source. Barbara has been fascinated with the patterns and symmetry for a long time but precision and colors of Ernst Haeckel’s art unlocked the door to her creative imagination once again. 
 Ernst Haeckel’s art stroke Basia’s imagination, November 2014

Check the links:
"Art Forms of Nature" Ernst Haeckel

Rachel Goldsmith, A New York Artist

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