
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Celebrate With Your Child - Brooklyn Bridge

Art by BP, January 2016

Being a parent is a hard balance of love, energy, and time - whether we have one or more children we all want to spend time with our children, show them our love, and give them some attention. The real struggle we find is WHEN  and  HOW to do it but the answer is simple - ANYTIME you can by BEING WITH THEM in special for them moments. Read “Celebrate the Children” below the pictures and find how true are he words .
All art by BP, January 2016

“Celebrate the Children”
Lyrics by Stan Lefcourt

Celebrate the children they grow up all too fast -
They’re our hope for the future, our echoes of the past.
You are their role models, in all you do and say,
So teach them well to face a world that changes day by day.
Celebrate the children, give them hope and pride,
An honest set of values to be a constant guide -
Give them strength and patience to face tomorrow ìs fate,
For life gives us no guarantees; we labor and we wait.
Celebrate the children, with love and tender care,
Remember in a world of hope your dreams are theirs to share -
Support and stand behind them and help them find their way,
The leaders of tomorrow are the children of today.

Celebrate the children, 
Celebrate the children, 

Celebrate the children,

...they grow up all too fast.

Art by BP, 2015

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