
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Art with Math and Vice Versa - Nurture Your Child Interest

“Research shows that people are more satisfied with their careers if they are based on interests and activities they enjoy. Statement after America’s Career Recourse Network.
To meet my daughter’s interest once again we participated in “Coloring Outside the Sines” class at The MoMath Museum, New York.  
Introduction to the class “Coloring meets mathematics!  Start with a series of delightful images and explore their details and patterns through coloring. Then learn about the mathematical ideas used to construct them: from the incredible structure of four dimensions to seven-fold Venn diagrams, you'll be surprised how much you can learn simply by putting colored pencils to paper. Join mathematician and artist Edmund Harriss as he shares some of his favorite images from Patterns of the Universe, the stunning new coloring book he recently published with British writer and broadcaster Alex Bellos.” The MoMath Museum, New York

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