
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Good Book “Flat Broke” by Gary Paulsen

In Basia’s words:

“This a great book which teaches that sometimes you have to work hard to get what you want and even though you try it doesn’t mean it is always granted. You have to work with what you have, but you also have to have a backup plan when you are dealing with business.  

This book teaches kids that sometimes if people are not helpful you have to take matters in your own hands.  Remember not to be too upset about things; just forget about them and think about other strategies to make your business work. When you have a problem with someone, even if it is not your fault, apologies, walk out and the world will think of a good way for you to turn away. Life is not always easy but you can make it easier by not making a big deal out of it. This book thought me a lot and I hope it will make a change in your life too. What I mean by ”make a change in your life” is that it thought me a great lesson that I will never forget. 

If you ever get a chance to read this book and my recommendation helped you to understand what it is about I am really happy. 

I hope you liked the article I wrote and I truly recommend you to read my mom’s blog.



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