
Friday, September 15, 2017

Dysgraphia and a Good Reader

The DSM IV identifies dysgraphia as a "disorder of written expression": "writing skills (that) ...are substantially below those expected given the person's ...age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education".

Dysgraphia is a difficulty writing coherently regardless of ability to read.
People with dysgraphia often can write, and may have a higher than average IQ, but lack co-ordination, and may find other fine motor tasks such as tying shoes difficult.
Dysgraphia effects motor control, hand-eye co-ordination, and the processing of thoughts and words in written form.
People with dysgraphia can lack basic spelling skills and often will write the wrong word when trying to formulate thoughts on paper.

Types of dysgraphia
  1. Dyslexia dysgraphia where written work that is created spontaneously is illegible, copied work is good and spelling is poor. A student with dyslexia dysgraphia does not necessarily have dyslexia.
  2. Motor dysgraphia where the condition may be caused by poor fine-motor skills, poor dexterity and/or poor muscle tone. Generally written work is poor to illegible, even if it is copied from another source. While letter formation may be legible in very short samples of writing, this is usually after extreme efforts and the dedication of unreasonable amounts of time on the student’s part. Spelling skills are not impaired.
  3. Spatial dysgraphia where the condition is caused by a defect in spatial awareness and students may have illegible spontaneously written work as well as illegible copied work. Spelling skills are generally not impaired.

Indicators of dysgraphia
  • Inappropriately sized and spaced letters or unfinished letters
  • Wrong or misspelled words despite thorough instruction. 
  • Excessive erasing may be evidenced as may a misuse of lines and margins.
  • Poorly organized writing on a page.
  • Poor organization of ideas, poor sentence and/or paragraph structure and a limited expression of ideas.
  • Reluctance to complete writing tasks or refuse to do so.
  • Unusual writing grips, odd wrist, body and paper positions, and complain discomfort while writing.

Interventions for Dysgraphia
  • Start early training
  • Learn to form letters correctly
  • Begin training with the formation of individual letters written in isolation
  • Alphabets need to be practiced daily, often for months
  • Strengthen kinaesthetic memory
  • Provide muscle training to increase strength and dexterity
  • Practice kinaesthetic writing (writing with eyes closed or averted)
  • Pencil grips might be helpful
  • Writing on a slightly inclined plane may be helpful
  • Teach the use of a word processor, by-passing the complex motor demands of handwriting. Many students may find learning the keyboard by the alphabet method easier than beginning with the home keys. For many, touch typing offers a whole new opportunity to learn to spell through a different kinaesthetic mode.
  • Photocopy the notes of another student
  • Provide an outline, with spaces left for the student to fill in information
  • Modify written assignments so that less writing is required
  • Allow extended time to complete tests and assignments
  • Allow the student to answer questions orally or into a tape recorder instead of writing 
Art by BP, 2017

Dysgraphia Accommodations and Modifications by Susan Jones (1999)

Well condensed and to the point source of information about dysgraphia on BRAIN.HE

Good site great resources to help for dysgraphia

What is Dysgraphia?

Book to read The Mislabeled Child by Dr. Fernette and Dr. Brock Eide

Types of Tests for Dysgraphia

Dysgraphia screening test by Lisa Harp

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