
Friday, April 13, 2018

Creating Lifelong Readers - Ways You Can Help

Basia's hiding reading spot

Create a Reading Environment
·       Build a library of old favorites and new books.
·       Visit the public library or bookstore to grow excitement around reading.
·       Create a special reading space or nook.
Read To Your Child
·       Read aloud to your child, no matter how old they are. Think and talk about the book together.
·       Choose books to read aloud together, or choose books that you feel passionate about and you want to share with your child.
Read With Your Child
·     Read with you child, taking turns reading aloud and modeling what good reading sounds like.
·     Explore interests and go together to find books on these topics.
·     Look in books together to find answers to questions.
·     Reread an old favorite talking about what you learned or noticed this time around.
·     Read with your child side by side so they see you as a reader.
By Your Child
·       Encourage your child to read independently every day.
·       Remember that your child should have choice in what books they are reading and may choose picture books even in older grades.
·       Ask open-ended questions about what they have read to spark thoughtful conversations and inquiry.

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