
Friday, April 13, 2018

Reading Journey

1 year old Basia
 “The more that you read,
The more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
The more places you’ll go.”
“I Can Read with My Eyes Shut” by Dr. Seuss
2 years old Basia, 2009

“The single greatest factor in reading achievement is volume.”
Stephen Krashen,
The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research By Stephen Krashen
Observations and Reflections from BEHS Staff, October 2004

To read more go to pdf:
Basia reading to her stuffed friends

Access + Choice + Time + Teaching = Reading Volume

Access – create an access to variety of books
Choice – let your child choose books that interest him/her
Time – find time for everyday reading
Teaching – teach your child to think, visualize characters, places, notice, wonder, predict, and compere your prediction with what you’ve read and learned.

Basia's home-library hiding reading spot

Ways to foster “Sneaky Reading”:
  • Share moments when you lived like a sneaky reader as a child.
  • Model what it looks like when you can’t put down a book! With book in hand, use language like, “Hold on…I need two more minutes…”
  • Document your life as a reader.  Think book-selfies on the train or asking a friend to snap a photo of you in a non-traditional reading environment. Show kids when, where, and how to sneak additional reading minutes.
  • Talk about the why. Give kids the facts regarding time on text and reading development.
  • Flip your reading life! Embrace the power of video, and capture a teaching point or reading reflection wherever you are to show how living like a reader transcends all aspects of your life. 
Basia exploring the New Amsterdam Brunch Library 

Suggestions by Kristin Ziemke “Celebrate Sneaky Reading!”

 5 years old Basia reading "Little Red Riding-hood"

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