
Monday, March 23, 2020

Book Recommendation by BP - “Just the Facts Down Syndrome” by Kristina Routh

Does the author of your text have an opinion about this nonfiction topic? What is their point of view on the topic? Respond using two paragraphs and evidence from the text.

Kristina Routh, the author of "Just the Facts Down Syndrome," has a firm opinion on the topic of Down syndrome. She believes that everyone must be cherished and respected for who they are. Her point of view is that they are regular people with normal lives and should not be treated differently. For example, in the book she states that it may take people with Down syndrome longer to develop both physically and mentally, “However, many people with Down syndrome manage well in… school, drive, play musical instruments, succeed at sports, and even act on television. And many have found useful and enjoyable jobs and live in their own homes.” If they work hard, these people can achieve a lot! The author thinks that we should not feel sorry for them because they have very good lives and are very happy. They wouldn’t want others to feel pity for them because it would mean they are not fortunate when they are because they have everything they want. The author includes many quotes that people with Down syndrome wrote and attaches pictures of very skilled people with Down syndrome. For example, on page 4 there is a girl with Down syndrome who is a very talented skater. The author wants to show their many great achievements. A quote that she includes that shows her opinion on this topic says, “People with Down syndrome should not be seen as different, but as people who happen to have some additional needs.” This shows that everyone is worth a life and high regard.
She includes a quote written by a woman named Kay. She said, “Remember that I am a person first and above all. The Down syndrome is a part of me, but it is not my full identity.” She is saying that people should not focus on the fact that she has Down syndrome and treat her differently, but treat her as a normal person, because that is who she is. The story about her states, “Some people are surprised that Kay can read and write so well. "Believe it or not, we don’t all fit the stereotype idea that some people still have of us all!’ says Kay. This portrays what the author wants to say, which is that there cannot be stereotypes about people with Down because they have emotions, great abilities to learn, as well as many talents! The author shows pictures of these people smiling showing that they have good lives and are happy that they are alive, learning and growing every day. 
In summary, the author believes that people with Down syndrome are not any different from us and are very special individuals with many talents.

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