
Monday, March 23, 2020

Old vs. New by BP

Some things are best when they are brand new. Some things are best after you've had them for a while. 
In multiple paragraphs compare something new with something used.

Different things have different values depending on their age. Some things are more valuable when they are new. Other items, on the other hand, have more value when they are old. For example, sometimes old things are more expensive because they show history. The things in the museums are very famous because some of them are even prehistoric. They are one of a kind because not many exist anymore and are irreplaceable. A phone can be replicated or fixed, while an ancient vase cannot because even if it is fixed, it will never return to its original condition. The knowledge that these objects give is very valuable for society. Sometimes the value of objects is not monetary but only sentimental. If an old heirloom is passed down from generation to generation, it will be valuable because of the effort people put into preserving it.

Examples of things we would like when they are brand new are clothes or phones. Clothes look much better when they are new. A new phone works a lot better when it is a newer model. People want new phones or clothes also to look cool. These things have a greater value to some people because they are more expensive. An example of something we would like when it is old, on the other hand, is a rare artifact or special heirloom. Artifacts are very special because of the famous and talented people who made them. The value of artifacts increases with age because their long existence means that someone cared for them longer, which costs more. Also, with more time, there is a lesser chance that something is able to survive. An heirloom may be worth the same amount over the years but it is more special because it has many memories and belongs to family. Memories are precious, which is why they have no monetary value. Someone outside the family, that doesn’t know the true value, may say an old doll is worthless trash, when actually, it isn’t for you and relatives because it was your great-great-great grandmother’s. Summarizing, artifacts and heirlooms, may seem valueless for some, but are priceless for the knowledgeable.

In conclusion, the value of things changes with age depending on the object. The value of a phone decreases over time as new versions are made and the value of an artifact increases because it is harder to preserve. The value is also different depending on the person who has the object - some people value artifacts more than a new phone while others think a phone is more important. The fact that we treasure different things is okay because we are all different and can have different interests and priorities in life.

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