
Sunday, October 25, 2020

"Even Bullies Need Friendship" - October - National Bullying Prevention Month

Even Bullies Need Friendship by 3rd Grade Student

It was mid-September, the beginning of a new school year, Hidie and her best friend Olivia were excited to start the third grade and their new adventures together. As Hidie and Olivia were walking to their classroom, they were approached by a girl who teasingly said “Ooo! Two little kindergarteners.” Both girls were offended, but only Hidie stood up for herself, Olivia was too shy.

Hidie kindly, but firmly replied, “Firstly, we are not kindergarteners and secondly, if you are mean to us we might be mean to you.”

“And so what? I don’t care. Why is your little friend so quiet?” asked the mean girl.

“You should apologize to her.” Hidie said, as she tried to defend Olivia, but the bully simply walked away.

“Thank you, you are a faithful friend, Hidie.” said Olivia

“That’s what friends are for.” Hidie said, before realizing that they were late. Hidie and Olivia quickly rushed into the classroom.

“Who was so loud in the hallway?” asked the teacher, Ms. Thea.

“Y…y…y…we don’t know.” Stuttered the nervous girls.

“I heard your voices, but I want you to know that you can always talk to me if you need to. Anyway, would you girls like to have lunch with me today?” Ms. Thea asked.

“Yes! We would love to.” replied Hidie and Olivia in unison.

Hidie and Olivia were very excited because this was their first lunch with Ms. Thea. They hurried down to the cafeteria to collect some food and returned to the classroom, laughing and chatting. When Ms. Thea saw the girls return, she walked them to a different room, a room that they have never been in. She pointed at the chairs and said, “I sat here with my niece earlier, she is a 4th grader in this school.”

“We didn’t know your niece goes to our school! What is her name Ms. Thea?” asked Hidie.

Ms. Thea smiled, “I will tell you, but first listen to this - you are the best students in this school, very wise and ambitious. I’m so glad I have you here. I want you to know that you are my favorite girls. Can you keep it a secret?”

“Of course we can!” Hidie and Olivia exclaimed.

Just as Ms. Thea was about to reply, a familiar voice, the voice of the bully that Hidie and Olivia encountered earlier interrupted. “Well, well, a secret huh?”

“Agatha, You owe these girls an apology.” interrupted Ms. Thea

“Ms. Thea, how do you know her name?” Hidie asked.

“Agatha is my sister’s daughter, my niece.” replied Ms. Thea.

“But Hidie and Olivia…” Agatha began, “Now Agatha, please don’t disturb our conversation.” Ms. Thea said, half smiling and half frowning. Agatha walked away with her hands on her hips and a grimace on her face. 

 “Thank you, Ms. Thea. We have to go now or we will be late for our next class.” The girls said as they got up to leave.

“Wait, before you go, I need to share something important with you. Sometimes bullies are not really as mean as you think, they just want to be your friend.” Ms. Thea said as she got up.

“Yes. We won’t forget that.” responded Hidie and Olivia.

“Good,” Ms. Thea nodded, “do you know how I know that? When I was your age, someone bullied me a lot. You might not be able to guess, but she was my own sister, Agatha’s mother. However she learned her lesson and changed her behavior. Now we are the best of friends. Remember what I told you just know and hopefully, it will help with Agatha.”

“Thank you for mentioning that. We will try to talk to Agatha.”

“That sounds great, but please remember that Agatha can get frustrated easily so be careful, and thank you again, girls.” – warned Ms. Thea.

That afternoon Hidie and Olivia tried to approach Agatha in the yard however Agatha approached them first, “why do you even bother talking to me?”

“We just want to talk to you.” Hidie and Olivia timidly said.

“Alright then, let’s talk, but it has to be quick.” Agatha said harshly.

“Why did you bully us? There was no need for that. You could have just talked to us and we would have listened to you” Hidie and Olivia bravely stated.

“I just wanted to get your attention and be friends, but I didn’t know how to.” Agatha apologetically whispered. 

 “That’s what we thought.” smiled Hidie and Olivia.

 “I’m new to this school and I couldn’t find any friends. I was trying, but the way I did it was by being mean and became a bully.” Agatha said as she looked down at her shoes.

“Next time, just say what you really want to, but try to be nice to people. If you hadn’t bullied us we would have asked you to play with us. From now on try not to bully others. Can you promise to do that? We will play with you if you do.” asked a smiling Hidie.

“Yes. I’m sorry for being mean to you.” – replied Agatha regretfully with relief in her voice. 

Agatha learned her lesson. She now helps kindergarteners and helps young and shy students meet new friends. She also has never bullied anyone else after this conversation with Olivia and Hidie.


Sometimes bullies just want to be friends, but don’t know how to achieve that goal. 

For helpful resources for kids and teens to learn more about how to participate in helping create an anti-bullying culture visit Stop Out Bullying

Check 23 Must-Read Anti-Bullying Books for Kids. The books help speak to the issue of bullying.

For a book reading of "One" by Kathryn Otoshi for PreK-3rd Grade go to

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