
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Teach Your Child to Take a Chance Swiftly

Teach your child to take a chance wisely but swiftly.

There are many chances in our life that come and go. You as a parent can teach your child to take them, how not to be afraid of them, how to be careful, wise but swift. It would be never enough to give your child a fish to survive. It is much better to give your child a tool, a fishing robe instead, and teach him how to use it to thrive in his life.

Kobe Yamada created a short story where he explains the whole concept in a pure and affirmative way. In an introduction he asks questions and writes:

“What do you do with a chance?” Especially one that seems too big or too wild or just out of reach?  Do you hold back? Do you act like you don't care? Do you let it slip away?

This is the story of some remarkable chances and the child who doesn't know quite what to do with them. But the more chances come around the more the child's fascination grows. And then, one day, a little courage makes all the difference in the world.

This is a story for anyone, at any age, who has ever wanted something, but was afraid of risking too much to get it. It's a story to inspire you to embrace the chances that come into your life. Because you never know when the chance, once taken, might be the one to change everything.”

The same author created "What do you do with an idea?" or "What do you do with a problem?"

And now comes the story.

"What do you do with a Chance?" 

 Written by Kobe Yamada. 

Illustrated by Mae Besom

"One day I got a chance.

It just seemed to show up. 

It acted like it knew me, as if it wanted something.

I didn't know why it was here. 

"What do you do with a chance?" I wondered.

It fluttered around me. 

It brushed up against me. 

It's circled me as if you wanted me to grab it. 

I started to reach for it, but I was unsure and pulled back. 

And so it flew away.

I thought about it a lot. I wished I had taken my chance. 
I realized I had wanted it, but I still didn't know if I had the courage.

When another chance came around, I wasn't so sure. 
But I decided to try.

I went to reach for it, but I missed it and fell. I was embarrassed. 

I felt foolish. It seemed like everyone was looking at me.

I decided I never wanted to feel this way again.

So after that, whenever a chance came along, I ignored it.

And the more I ignored them the less they came around.

Until one day I noticed that I had seen at once in quite a while. 
It was as if they had it all disappeared. 
I started to worry, "What if I don't get another chance?"

I know I acted like I didn't care, but the truth was, I did. 
I still wanted to take a chance, but I was afraid. 
And I wasn't sure if I would ever be brave enough.

Then I thought, "Maybe I don't have to be brave all the time. 

Maybe I just need to be brave for a little while at the right time."

I realized it was up to me.

I promised myself that if I ever got another chance, I wasn't going to hold back. 
If I had got another chance, I was going to be ready.

Then, one seemingly ordinary day, 

I saw something shining far off in the distance. 

"Is it possible?" I hoped. "Could this be a chance?"

I had to find out. I ran as hard and as fast as I could toward it.

I don't know how to explain it, but the second I let go of my fire I was full of excitement.

It wasn't that I was no longer afraid, 
but now my excitement was bigger than my fear.

As I got closer, I could see that this was a really huge chance!

But this time I was ready. 
As it came by, I reached out and grabbed it. 
I held on with all my might.

It felt so good to soar, to fly, to be free!

I now see that when I hold back, I miss out.

 And I don't want to miss out. 

There's just so much I want to see and do and discover.

So what do you do with a chance? 
You take it… 
because it just might be a start of something incredible.

What do chances become? 

New friendships, exciting opportunities, and daring discoveries. 

Chances are invitations to grand adventures, 

tickets to unforgettable experiences, 

and doors to whole new worlds. 

Chances help you see who you are, what you want, and where you want to go.

So, what will you do with your chance? Now that's up to you."

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