
Friday, March 31, 2023

Great Auditory Processing Books by Jean Gilliam DeGaetano

Books by Jean Gilliam DeGaetano are available on

Listening & Remembering Specific Details by Jean Gilliam DeGaetano book $$

Ages: 6-9

Grades: 1st-4th

Students with auditory processing problems are able to remember general information better than they can remember specific information and details. Tests identify the problem but few programs have been written to remediate this serious deficit. This book provides 29 two-part lessons with both an activity page and an instructor’s page for every lesson. By sending both pages home after work is completed, parents are able to understand your purpose and their child’s progress.

Books by Jean Gilliam DeGaetano

Listening, Understanding, Remembering, Verbalizing!
By Jean Gilliam DeGaetano

Ages: 6-8

Grades: 1st-3rd

The goals of this 90-page workbook are:

To be able to listen attentively to a story.

To understand the story.

To remember the details.

To be able to answer questions about the story.

To retell the story.

To be able to separate story events by reviewing four stories at a time.

A unique approach to remembering details of events.

Books by Jean Gilliam DeGaetano

Auditory Processing Of Higher-Level Language Skills
by Jean Gilliam DeGaetano

Ages: 7-11

Grades: 2nd-5th

Separating information into higher-level language categories is the next step in moving on in auditory processing.  The lessons are for students who require structured and detailed repetition in order to master higher-level language comprehension skills.  Pictures are provided in every instance to aid students who are stronger visual learners as they attempt to strengthen their auditory processing skills.  Some of the skills covered are:  finding the main idea, separating story details, grasping subtle information, predicting outcomes, forming conclusions, explaining reasons why, and more.

Books by Jean Gilliam DeGaetano

Auditory Processing Super Pack  Jean Gilliam DeGaetano

Ages: 5-11

Grades: K-6th

Listening, understanding, remembering, and now, separating information into higher-level language categories. This is the next step in moving into auditory processing. The lessons are designed for students who require structured, detailed repetition in order to master higher-level language comprehension skills. Pictures are provided in every instance to aid students who are stronger visual learners as they attempt to strengthen their auditory processing skills. Some of the skills covered are: finding the main idea, separating story details, grasping subtle information, predicting outcomes, finding cause and effect, forming conclusions, explaining reasons why, etc.

Books by Jean Gilliam DeGaetano

Comprehending More Complex Auditory Information 
by Jean Gilliam DeGaetano

Ages: 9-13

Grades: 3rd-7th

This book is for older students (ages 9-13) and is designed to strengthen comprehension, the memory of specific information, understanding of subtle messages, and describing daily events. Improving in these skill areas can help students talk about their own activities and experiences with more ease.

The goals of these activities in this book are:

To listen attentively to the short stories.

To remember the logical order of the events.

To retail the main information.

To retail specific details.

To remember subtle points of the story.

To remember time concepts in the story.

To remember two- and three-part stories. (Resembling remembering chapters in a book.)

To retell the main ideas in sequential order.

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