
Tuesday, March 28, 2023


There is a strong connection between hearing loss and speech delay. Generally, children with hearing loss have difficulty initiating and imitating speech because of the reduced auditory input. 

Hearing Loss and Speech Delay: 

Children learn speech sounds by watching and listening to speakers. When you miss out on those opportunities during early development, it can lead to delayed speech and language skills.  


Speech Implications Associated with Hearing Loss:  

It may be difficult for children with hearing loss to produce all speech sounds correctly because they do not hear all sounds.  

Children with hearing loss may struggle to pronounce s, sh, f, t, or k because they are typically softer sounds that are harder to hear and detect within the speech.  

You might also notice that your child is unable to hear themselves when they speak. This would result in them talking much louder than other children because they have a harder time hearing, and therefore regulating the volume of their own voice. 


What to look for? 

You can consider an Auditory/Oral Program servicing deaf and Hard of Hearing children and their families. This program may include Early Intervention (center-based and home-based), preschool, integrated preschool classes with children with normal hearing, multidisciplinary evaluations, parent support, individual auditory-verbal therapy, speech, occupational and physical therapies, music therapy, complete audiological services, cochlear implant habilitation, mainstreaming, ongoing support services following mainstreaming. 

Schools in NY 

Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech 


Auditory Oral School of NY / Strivright 

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