
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dyslexia - Intervention and Tips

5 years old
Intervene early in a pre-school and check if your child has tendency toward dyslexia.
Teach organization, coordination, sequencing, auditory comprehension, eye trucking, spelling and reading.
A balance board
Provide everyday few minute warm up brain exercises to motivate and build confidence for the day. These are some exorcises along with sentences to repeat:
  • “This is the way we train our brain.” Move knee to elbow, right to left and L to R and more.
  • “Hocus pocus so I can listen and focus.” Spin with a spell. Turn around left then right and clockwise.
  • “We keep an eye on the ball cause cool is cool.” Keep eyes on a tennis ball.
  • “We rock and roll to stay in control.” Move on a balance board. You can perches one for as low as $17 .
  • “I feel great now I can concentrate.” Twist your hands and legs and then switch sides.
  • Check “Brain Breakfast” for the ideas
Support auditory comprehension:
  • Modulate your speech and reading to a normal tone and moderate pace.
  • Have your child rephrase your directions in his own words. That helps you ensure he understands what he needs to do.
  • Keep your oral directions simple. 
  • When you must give a number of directives, give them in steps, one at a time. Allow the child enough time to finish the first stop before proceeding to the next.
  • Encourage to ask questions whenever the child feels unsure what you mean.
  • Check my old post for more information
Support visual memory, eye tracking.
  • Play: Memory Games, Find differences, What is missing?, How many are missing? Etc.
  • Practice these simple exercises:
  1. Ball trucking, 
  2. Big 8 
    Strengthen fine motor control needed for hand writing.

    Help with school organization.

    When working on reading fluency:
    Provide reinforcement with LEFT and RIGHT
    • Show big L with a pointer and thumb on your left hand.
    • Associate side with something the child knows, e.g. You write with your right hand. You have a birth mark on your right leg. Etc.
    Use visual cues to help recognize the words when teaching spelling.
    Check my other post for signs of dyslexia Learn more about academically proved teaching methods by 
    Hooray! Hooray! You got it right!

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